Chapter 40

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The light peeped through the corner of your eyelids and hurted as if someone is digging on your eyes with some sharp object.

It was difficult at first but you slowly managed to open it halfway somehow, the atmosphere around was damp mixed with the smell of disinfected. The tube light was on and there was sound downpour coming from outside the window.

Your body ached when you tried to move, your head was still heavy and vision a bit cloudy. It took you some time to remember what made you end up here and you felt that it would have been better if you didn't remember it at all.

You somehow turned your head aside, and saw Taehyung taking a nap on a couch not very far from your bed. A slight curve appeared on your lips after seeing him there for you.

At least you were not alone fighting for life all this time and he was there with you, for you.

You wanted to get up and sit even after knowing that it would be hard and your body may ache while getting up, but still you wanted to give it a try. Lying down there helplessly was kind of upsetting you mentally.

You moved your arms which were hurting so bad because of all the channels that were digging in your wrists. By using your palms as a support you tried to get up, it hurted your wrists like hell when your body pressure fell on them hurting your wrists. You couldn't help but whimper in pain and tears accumulated in your eyes.

You tried your best to not make any loud noise because you didn't intend to wake Taehyung up but the slight ruffling sounds were enough to wake him up.

"Y/N... " he gasped and the next moment he was by your side holding you upright while you allowed your body weight to fall in his arms.

"What are you doing? You shouldn't have tried to move, at least you could have woke me up" he shifted your body and created a back support with the pillow and then slowly let your body lean on that.

"It's fine Taehyung" you barely whispered into his ears while he was busy fixing the sheets to make the place comfortable.

"But you are in pain" he stopped whatever he was doing and for a moment looked at you with sincerity and emptiness in his eyes.

You kept quiet, it was not an argument going on between you two that you repeating after him was mandatory. You only sighed, you had nothing left to say after that.

But it seemed that if you didn't stop him, he would never stop fixing the bed, the sheets and the pillows, a never ending job for Taehyung.

"Taehyung, I feel comfortable now"

Taehyung halted and stared at you, a weird kind of staring, as if too much emotions bursting out and escaping from his eyes which were acting like a canvas of his heart.

"Can you sit beside me for the moment?" you muttered and the boy said nothing but only nodded.

The hospital bed had enough place for Taehyung to fit in, so you tapped your fingers on the mattress and indicated him to sit their instead of pulling a chair.

Taehyung followed your signs and sat there, close to you. You moved your hand to his head and ruffled his puffy dry hair with a small monotone smile on your face.

"How are you? You have been running away from me all this time" you whispered, your voice was weak and slightly teasing.

"How can I run? You never stop bothering me do you?" his voice shaked, he was in the verge of breaking down and tears accumulated in the corners of his eyes.

"Who walks in the road so unmindfully huh?! When will you stop hurting me! When will you leave me alone!"

He covered his eyes with his hands and the teardrops ran across his face and dripped from his chin. You stared at him blankly. You wish you could cry with him too but the tears seemed to have dried up.

"I am sorry" your voice breaking, you only managed to say this much. Taehyung lifted his head up and rubbed all his tears and hugged you.

You rested your face on his chest while his hands were wrapped around you in the most gentle manner.

"Don't cry" you muttered and closed your eyes.


"Did you eat?" Taehyung hummed in response while holding the plate in front of you. "I am done, I don't like hospital's food" you scrunched your nose and wanted to push him away.

"I am not listening to you, the doctor told you to eat more so you will be eating more" he scolded you as if he was your parent and you pouted.

No one will be able to guess that a few hours ago both of almost had a mental breakdown.

"Taehyung please" you moved your face away but Taehyung acted stubborn.

"I am not listening, I won't leave you until you finish this whole thing" everytime he was bringing the spoon in front of your mouth you dodged it and Taehyung had to apply his voice. "Y/N!"

"It tastes bad" you whined like a child and threw all the possible tantrums at him.

"We can report the cook later but first you have to finish this" Taehyung gave zero attention to your excuses and you lost hope.

"You are impossible" you sighed and gulped the food into your mouth.

"Sad thing I am not amazing like your boyfriend" Taehyung used the wrong sarcasm at the wrong moment and you felt quiet.

"Was it important to mention him at this time?" you replied and Taehyung literally cursed himself for being an idiot.

"I am sorry" he whispered.


You didn't ask about Jungkook to Taehyung even for once. It kinda shattered you from inside that he didn't came to see you.

He doesn't care about me...

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