Chapter 41

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"You have a visitor Miss Y/N"

You just stared at the nurse, perplexed.

Having no idea about who it was you gave permission to that person to come in.

It can't be Taehyung, because he never sends a nurse to take your permission for coming in.

It's been two days since your conscious has returned and the only person who came to visit was Taehyung.

This new person, though you had an expectation or better say idea of who it might be. You just wanted to see it and then believe before any conclusion.

The door opened slowly, making the boy behind it visible. It was him, the one you were expecting. Jeon Jungkook.

Your heart stopped pounding at his very image in front, you knew it was going to be him but still you were unprepared.

What else he has to say? Did he came for a justification?

The word justification itself was enough to make your heart bleed, you never thought your relationship with him come to this edge that one day Jungkook has to give you any justification.

"Umm, Hi. You feeling better now?" Jungkook placed his words weirdly, it amazed you quite a bit that Jungkook is being or acting clumsy.

"Yes" you replied with a blunt cold yes, the doctor told you not to react, so you decided to act calmly not for making him comfortable but for yourself. Because at the end of the day it's going to be you who will be fighting, alone.

"Good" he faintly smiled and sat on the bed facing you making a monotone face.

"Why have you come here?" you directly ask because you have had enough, you have seen enough. Anything more than that would be bearable for you and you couldn't hurt yourself to that extent.

Jungkook smiles at you question while looking at his hands. "Well sorry for bothering you" he look up at your eyes. "I just wanted to say something, it won't take much time but I feel that you should know it. You deserve to know it all, everything"

You heart dropped, what was left for you to listen you still couldn't figure out. At first you thought that Jungkook had come for some mere excuses and explanations, but it seemed that he came for something else.

"What everything?" you stressed on the word everything while your eyebrows formed an arch.

What more was left to the story, you still couldn't figure out. And you had only one option left, that is to listen to what he has to say.

You looked at Jungkook expectantly for an answer.

"Before I say anything Y/N" he looked at you with teary eyes. "I want you to know that I love you. I really do. You were the only person who made me feel special and I still love you"

You sighed, your heart dropped again to see the person you love in front of you like that.

"I am sorry that didn't come to check on you. But the day you had the accident, I was there throughout the night waiting outside the hospital as I was not allowed. I knew you got your conscious back, Taehyung told me. But that night I realised something which stopped from coming here. I was really worried about you and I am glad you are doing well" his voice was heavy and your heart rate increased with each word he uttered.

He waited outside for the whole night.

You gasped, you thought that he was not even bothered but you didn't understand what had stopped him and what he realised.

"What did you realise?" you ask, voice shaking already.

Jungkook smiled "I realised that I don't deserve you"

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