3.) Alastair

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Alastair had been right about the small crow hybrid’s wings being hurt. Though it was hidden from his sight until he was closer to her, her charcoal-colored wings were matted with dried blood, and there were many sets of slashes across this child’s back that were all dripping with blood one way or another. There was also a clear gunshot wound in her wing near the tip, thankfully it seemed to have gone right through. 

Part of him was confused; who would do this to a child? The other part wanted to rip whoever did this to shreds and beat their remains until they were a meaty excuse for a blood stain-

They didn’t deserve to live if they could hurt someone so... what was the word? Innocent? Small? Helpless? 

Part of him didn’t care if this was who Toby had referenced needing their help, and that scared Alastair. He couldn’t handle another person in his care. 

But once again, fate laughed and said “deal with it”, in the form of Rune collapsing, the girl’s legs buckling right out from under her.

As Alastair instinctively stepped forward and caught her – albeit carefully to avoid touching the wounds on accident – he realized she must’ve been exhausted from everything she’d gone through, and even just making the walk to the base must’ve taken a lot from her. 

“Where did you find her?” He asked Ewe, hoisting the almost disturbingly light girl up so he could carry her. Rune’s only protest was a tiny, almost whimpering sound that made Alastair’s non-existent heart break for her.

She watched him, a concerned expression on her face as she started leading the way through the halls, to the main area. “Believe it or not, she was hidin’ in the shadows by my first dumpster in that alley.” Alastair raised an eyebrow. She’d been there that whole time? Ewe continued, “I didn’t see her at all until she made noise. I think she’d shifted her wing or somethin’ and she made the most pained yelp I’ve ever heard. I thought she was a cat or somethin’ till I saw her.”

Alastair hummed softly, setting Rune down on the couch so her back was up. They needed to patch those wounds, and now. This girl had already waited too long. “Grab me the medical kit.” He ordered, his tone more monotone sounding than normal, but that was simply because he was going through the billion thoughts in his head at the moment.

Ewe disappeared into the hall for a minute, each moment dragging out like an eternity until she returned with the previously mentioned kit and Alastair quickly got to work.

Now, Alastair would never say he was good with medical things or doctoring in general. He knew basics just fine, like band-aids and gauze and cleaning wounds first, and most recently dealing with gunshot wounds because of Archer’s incident. But this? This was at least forty-percent out of his league. 
For one, a lot of the blood was on her wings. Alastair had never known someone with wings, much less treated wounds on them. He had no idea where the nerves were, how sensitive those wings were, what the best way to clean them was, anything. He pretty much just applied the same logic he used when treating head wounds to deal with the feathers. 

Thankfully, that seemed to work, and the small hybrid stayed unconscious the entire time while Alastair cleaned the wounds and bandaged her wings and other small injuries. He stepped out of the way for Ewe once it got to her back, as there were cuts there that needed stitches even if they weren’t bleeding anymore; and frankly Alastair didn’t trust himself with the spindly little death threats that were needles.

Things were quiet, almost silent the whole time they worked, all their focus on patching up the child in front of them. However, that changed the second they were finished, Alastair starting to go off even while they were still cleaning up. “You’ve got some explaining to do.” He said with a pointed glare at Ewe.

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