Chapter One

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A few years ago, a new foster sister asked Hitoshi if he was a zombie because she thought he looked dead. Hitoshi had stared at her in shock at the time. But, looking in the mirror now, he can see why she'd thought that.

The bags under his eyes have only gotten darker since then, his skin paler, his posture slouchier, his will weaker, and his body skinnier. He looks ill and in desperate need of a hospital stay.

He pretends it doesn't bother him but in reality?  It really freaks him out. It makes him understand why people think he's a villain. He looks like he's cosplaying as a Disney villain.

What's more upsetting to him is that Aizawa seems to see right through him no matter what he does. It doesn't matter if he has four coffees to stay energized or if he gets a good night's sleep or if he pretends he feels anything but numb.

He always sees through it. He hasn't mentioned it yet, but his eyes always linger a little bit longer than needed. He always knocks him down a little softer than he should.

It infuriates him. He's here to become a hero, to prove people wrong and prove himself, not to be pitied and treated differently. He's already treated differently by everyone else. He doesn't need Aizawa to do it too.

His anger powers his punches, his kicks, his fighting. He gets a few dirty hits in when Aizawa is dodging, hits that should make Aizawa fight harder, but he doesn't.

He doesn't understand why. His physical state has never concerned any of his teachers in middle or elementary school, so why does it matter now? And, why won't he just say something already instead of watching him?

It keeps Hitoshi feeling like he's walking on eggshells. It makes him feel like he has something to hide. It's like he's lying. It's like he's betraying Aizawa and himself.

He's done nothing wrong! There's no reason to be feeling this way. And yet...

"Just say something already!" he finally snaps as he ducks away from a swing from Aizawa. Aizawa raises a brow at him, coaxing him into explaining. "I can see you examining me, going easier on me. Just say what you want to already!"

"Are you okay?" he asks blankly, staring at him almost as if he doesn't care. Hitoshi stares back, unsure of how to respond. "...Huh?"

"Are you okay?" he repeats, wrapping his capture weapon around Hitoshi's leg and pulling it out from under him. He grunts when he hits the ground, spots dancing in his vision.

"No, you just gave me a concussion!"

"You should be prepared," he says, waiting for Hitoshi to get back to his feet. "We were having a conversation," he snaps, shaking off the scarf.

Aizawa nods and takes a step to the bench beside them, sitting down and leaving enough space for him. Begrudgingly, Hitoshi sits beside him and reaches down for his water bottle.

"Shinsou, should I be worried about you?" he asks, leaning against the back of the bench as he watches his with careful eyes. "No," Hitoshi lies immediately with a shrug.

Aizawa doesn't seem to believe him, but he doesn't fight him on it. "If that changes, know you can ask me for help. I'm a call or text away."

"Okay," Hitoshi responds, keeping his voice nonchalant as he desperately tries to calm his rapid heartbeat. "Okay. Go pack up, we're done now."

As soon as he stands and takes a step forward, Aizawa is curling up on the bench and asleep in two seconds. Hitoshi stares at him warily. Someone's going to think he's a squatter.

That's his problem though, so he grabs his bag and makes his way back to the school. He hides out in the library for a few hours to study. (He's hiding out from his foster family).

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