Chapter Four

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Yumiko panics as soon as he sends the second text and Hitoshi would be an even bigger liar than he already was if he said his heart didn't beat a little faster either.

"They're still awake! They're right downstairs!" Yumiko whispers, burying her hands in her hair and tugging at the strands as speaks. "I know," he whispers back.

That was the whole point. If they're both downstairs when someone gets here—please, someone come—there will be a lesser chance of the Nakamura's getting to them.

He looks back down at his phone to see if Aizawa has said anything, but he hasn't. Instead, he sees all the messages he's missed.


Today 10:30 AM

I heard you weren't at school, are you okay?
One of your classmates said you might be sick
I can trick Bakugou into making soup if you want :)

Today 12:07 PM

Are you okay?
Text me when you read these

Today 2:33 PM

Are you okay?

Today 4:56 PM

Srsly dude, are you okay?

Today 7:15 PM


He stares down at Kaminari's text with a feeling he can't quite identify. He never meant to worry anyone, truthfully, he never realized that might happen. He clicks on Kirishima's texts next.


Today 10:36 AM

Hey man! Kaminari said you're not at school today??
Is everything okay??
Sensei just caught me.

Today 1:30 PM

Hey, man! Are you okay?
You haven't been answering anyone's texts, is everything okay?

Today 3:17 PM

Shinsou, send me a text when you get these! Or don't No pressure! I hope you're okay!

He feels kind of bad. He's not completely sure if he's supposed to feel that way and what he's supposed to do with that feeling, but knows it there.

He's never had friends who've reached out before, especially because they saw he wasn't at school for one day. He doesn't know what to do.

Are they going to be mad at him for not responding? Does he care that they could be mad at him? Oh God, he does. This is new.

He opens Mina's texts next which is more than a little scary because she's kind of scary. He doesn't know why, but she kind of reminds him of this fierce foster sister he had a few years ago.


Today 11:23 AM

The rumor is, that you have mono
The kissing disease.
Good on you!
Srsly tho, the boys are saying you aren't responding
R u good?

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