Chapter Five

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Hitoshi doesn't think he's ever been more scared in his life. The thought of seeing the people whom he admittedly was becoming friends with finding out one of his biggest secrets, one he's worked so hard to keep quiet, is terrifying.

But, to his surprise, they don't say anything when he walks into the room. They don't even act like they know anything at all. They're beginning to make him think they don't know.

The only thing that gives it away is the way Kaminari keeps looking at him when he doesn't think he can see him. Finally, he gets tired and turns to him. "Go ahead," he says.

He braces himself to be either made fun of or pitied. "I'm sorry I kept blowing up your phone," Kaminari says, picking at his skin anxiously.

He didn't brace himself for that. That wasn't what he thought would happen. Why would he even be sorry for that? He didn't do anything wrong.

"I'm sorry if it annoyed you, I understand now that you had a lot going on," Kaminari explains when Hitoshi's face doesn't change from his confused expression.

"You make no sense," Hitoshi says out loud, meaning for it to stay inside his head. Kaminari tilts his head to the side with an embarrassed look. "Sorry," he laughs.

"Don't be, it's making me feel a little better," he says, mentally beating his own head in because that was not what he was supposed to say. "Good! I think."

"Is your face okay?" he asks, and Hitoshi mentally sighs. There it was. Bakugou throws a coaster at the back of Kaminari's head. "Bakugou," Aizawa warns blankly.

Kirishima slowly and hesitantly wraps his arm across Bakugou's front to keep him from attacking. Bakugou doesn't try to get out of his grip.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Hitoshi answers, earning a nod. "Cool, 'cause you have a nice face. Not that you wouldn't have a nice face if you weren't fine. I'm going to walk away now!"

He watches him retreat, his mind going blank. Did he just say he has a nice face and then run away? He doesn't even get time to react.

Yumiko tugs him away by his arm. "Smooth," she says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes which only confuses him more. She scoffs when she sees his confusion. "Hopeless."

He rolls his eyes at her. He already knew that he was hopeless, but why is she saying it now? He didn't even do anything to warrant that response.

Aizawa beckons him towards him as he enters the small kitchen where food has been laid out on the counter. "Take as much as you want," Mic says with a grin, handing a bowl to Ren who can't reach it.

"Let me see your head," Aizawa says, waiting until Hitoshi steps closer before reaching up to touch his face. He gives a short hum as he looks at his injuries.

"The indents from the muzzle are gone, but we can have Recover Girl fix your cut if you'd like," Aizawa says, poking at the cut as he addresses it.

"It's fine," he answers immediately because the thought of anyone else knowing about what happened makes him feel a bit sick. He'd rather keep it on the down low.

Aizawa nods and reaches down to help Keiko who's struggling to open a plastic water bottle. "Thank you, sir," she says timidly, immediately gluing herself to Hitoshi's side.

Yumiko hands Hitoshi a bowl and shovels her own food into her mouth as quickly as she can. Hitoshi does the same before turning to help one of the younger kids.

He doesn't even eat all of it, he gets six or seven spoonfuls into his mouth and then immediately hoists Ren onto the counter beside him.

He turns completely towards Ren which means he doesn't see the way Aizawa is carefully watching them. "Here, blow on it first, Ren," Hitoshi says, holding the spoon at his mouth.

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