Chapter 44

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"Wang Xiaoli, what are you doing?"

The teacher walked up to the narrow and dark attic on the second floor and saw Wang Xiaoli, with his back to the door, sitting in front of the table with his head lowered.

Wang Xiaoli didn't answer, which was actually a bit rude, but maybe he was too focused.

He has been like this for a long time. His attention will be too focused on a certain thing, even if that thing is mechanical and boring, it will cause him to lose sight of others.

Of course, this didn't have much impact on his life, after all, no one paid much attention to him most of the time.

When the man got closer, he saw Wang Xiaoli lying on the table, drawing.

The teacher looked at Wang Xiaoli's forehead. There were some superficial scars, and some were more serious, where the skin was scratched.

"Wang Xiaoli, are any of your classmates deliberately trying to cause trouble for you?"

The voice of the inquiry was too close this time, and the teacher was standing next to him. Wang Xiaoli had no choice but to answer. He raised his eyes and glanced at the person in front of him.

The face of the person in front of him was blurred and glowed with a faint white light.

"No, no." Wang Xiaoli replied: "No, people, you are causing trouble for me."

The teacher lowered his head at this time and took a closer look. He found that Wang Xiaoli had picked up the colored pens of the classmates who hit him on the head with colored pens today and started to draw by himself.

It's just that the colored pen is actually not very good.

In this place, in rural primary schools, colored pens are a rare commodity.

Wang Xiaoli couldn't draw water at once, so he painted in one place several times. He was surprisingly patient.

This is already the teacher's fifth home visit to Wang Xiaoli's house. Each visit is mainly to visit Wang Xiaoli.

After all, she discovered after contacting him that the biggest obstacle to Wang Xiaoli's current study was actually himself.

"When can we focus on studying how far ants move, how far a grasshopper jumps, and how to draw on such a small piece of paper?"

Young Wang Xiaoli explained: "This is not a small paper. This is a sticker."

The teacher said: "Why don't you finish your homework first after school?"

Wang Xiaoli didn't speak, he just lowered his head in silence and continued to draw. The pen he picked up was completely wet, and made a harsh "chi la chi la" sound on the paper.

"It's not too late for you to start studying now. You're only in fourth grade."

It sounds like the teacher is going to talk about those commonplace questions again, as well as the painstaking advice repeated many times.

Wang Xiaoli actually liked listening to her talk. The teacher had a gentle voice, was patient and perseverant.

I just didn't expect that the teacher didn't say the usual lines that night, but asked Wang Xiaoli again: "Xiaoli, don't you want to go out and have a look?"

Wang Xiaoli asked: "Go out and do what?"

"Go out and see the world." The teacher's tone rose unconsciously: "Go and see the cars that don't even exist in your village until now. In the city outside, the traffic is endless, and sometimes even The roads are so blocked that I can't walk. Go and see the bustling big city. The street lights on the roadside are several times brighter than the lights in the rooms here..." The teacher tapped Wang Xiaoli's simple desk lamp with his finger: "Go and see See the mountains, rivers, lakes, and the vast sea.”

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