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On reaching at the party, seokmin called his mom informing her that they reached. His mom is very dramatic person to exist and wanted seokmin to have some kind of grand entry with Joshua. 

" Seokmin, don't be shocked when you entry inside and all light focus on you too." His mom told him on call and hang up before he could tell that little Junie is with him too. He doesn't actually care to inform everyone about Jun but he is kinda worried if jun doesn't like attention.

Joshua smiled at him and they both entered in the venue with jun in Joshua's arm and seokmin hands wrapped around Joshua, everyone gasped , seokmin is blushing a little,his heart racing and to divert his anxious feeling seokmin leaned into Joshua.

Unlike of seokmin's worry jun loves attention.

Joshua couldn't help but place kiss on seokmin's head and then in jun's cheeks.

Seokmin's mother gasped too and he feels like he is in trouble " oh my God seokie, where did you find this little cutie?" His mom take jun from Joshua and when she couldn't seem to have stamina to keep him in his arms , she put him down and kneeled in ground to his level.

" What's your name, little boy?" Mr. Lee looked up to his wife's shoulder at his son's adopted son.

" Junhui ." Jun replied. Seokmin can't help but giggle " they are my parents Junie. So that means they are your grandparents." Jun had his eyes wide as saucer and he hide behind Joshua for some kind of support - he himself doesn't know.

" Wanna eat chocolate and strawberry" Mrs Lee extended her hands towards jun " what about making new friends?" Mrs Lee said again and on the mention of friends junhui is ready to go anywhere.

" Hm... let's go ,I will introduce you too chan and minghao and twins of your pa . I think that's what you gonna call Joshua,right?" Mrs Lee rapped.

" Minghao,I met him in hospital and I was calling Mr hong and baba ....baba but now I will call Mr hong pa and baba is still my baba" jun got excited and forget about his injured hand and tried to move it but pain reminded him as he whines.

" Are you okay , little seokie?" Mrs Lee thinks jun is like seokmin always ready to make friends and overly excited as smile never leaves his handsome face .

" I am okay it just my broken hand hurts" jun skipped the hold of his grandma( Mrs Lee) as soon his saw minghao playing with little baby in some angel looking man who is standing beside the man looking like he can crush this man with baby and no one will know.

But the heart in his eyes is so evident that jun got the idea that he is harmless to that angel looking like man but not to him.

" Junhui, hi" minghao say shyly, minghao is introvert unlike his dad . He is more like wonwoo - savage, can't tolerate nonsense and introvert.

" Hi minghao, call me hyung I think I am older than you " jun said almost crashing minghao in hug. Minghao hugged him back awkwardly.

" Here is your another friend chan and there is your uncle and aunt " Mrs Lee pointed at aera and Kwan as chan waved a high.

" What happened to your hand , hyung?" Chan the most curious kid asked ." Nothing I was fighting with some big monster and I get little bit injured."  Jun replied with proud smile. 

" Okay ,jun you enjoy here and I am going back to your baba and pa ." Mrs Lee said and left jun to enjoy with his friends and uncle and aunt, like always aera is first one to talk and let jun feel like family.

Afterall jun is there nephew - first one either adopted or not.

" May I have everyone's attention here?" Mr lee said little louder to gain attention of everyone in the hall. Everyone looked his way murmuring, whispering to eachother.

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