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Third person POV :

As they emerged from the misty grasp of the Angel's Cloudy, Aria and Kevin found themselves once again on solid ground, their hearts racing with the exhilaration of their escape. Yet, amidst the relief, a palpable tension hung in the air.

Aria stole a sideways glance at Kevin, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic boy who had crossed her path. She knew him only as Kevin, a name that echoed in the recesses of her mind like a distant echo, but beyond that, he remained a stranger-a puzzle waiting to be solved.

"So, Kevin," Aria began tentatively, her voice a soft whisper in the stillness of the forest, "what brings you to our humble village? You've never shared much about yourself."

Kevin's gaze lingered on the horizon, his expression inscrutable as he considered her question. "I'm... searching for something," Kevin replied vaguely, his voice tinged with a hint of hesitation. "Something elusive."

Aria studied him intently, her brow furrowed in confusion as she tried to decipher the meaning behind his cryptic words. She sensed there was more to Kevin than met the eye, a hidden truth waiting to be uncovered, but for now, she could only wonder at the secrets he kept locked away.

"And have you found what you're looking for?" she pressed, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Kevin's response hung in the air, leaving an air of mystery swirling around him. "Not yet," he murmured, his voice soft yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "Or maybe I have found that one. But I'm not sure."

Aria's brow furrowed in confusion at his cryptic reply. She had hoped for clarity, but instead, Kevin's words only deepened the enigma surrounding him. Unsure of how to respond, she remained silent, the weight of his words settling heavily on her shoulders.

Time seemed to stretch on as they walked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Then, after what felt like an eternity, Kevin broke the quietude with a sigh.

"You must think I'm quite the puzzle," he said with a faint smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But trust me, Aria, even I'm not quite sure what I'm searching for. All I know is that the journey has been thrilling and surprising so far."

Aria nodded slowly, her confusion giving way to a sense of acceptance.

Kevin offered her a gentle smile, watching her with a mix of amusement and admiration.

"Aria, are you alright?" Kevin asked softly, his voice breaking the silence that hung between them.

Aria nodded, her smile hesitant but genuine. "Yeah, I'm okay," she replied, "Just... processing everything."

They continued their journey, the weight of their silence punctuated only by the sound of their footsteps and the occasional rustle of leaves overhead. Soon, the rumble of their empty stomachs prompted them to pause by a nearby fruit tree, where they indulged in its offerings, the sweet juice of the ripe fruit refreshing their weary bodies.

As they rested, Aria's eyes fell upon the familiar sight of Celestial Haven, her village, and a swell of relief and pride washed over her. Beside her, Kevin stood in silent awe, his gaze fixed on the entrance of the village, his thoughts a whirlwind of emotions.

Before Kevin could find the words to express his wonder, a figure emerged from the trees-a boy with a familiar smile and a glint of concern in his eyes. It was Kole, Aria's teammate and dear friend, who rushed forward to envelop her in a tight embrace. Kevin's heart sank as he watched the embrace, a pang of unknown feeling gnawing at his chest.

Their moment was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Max, Aria's loyal companion, who bounded towards her with unrestrained excitement. In the chaos that ensued, Aria found herself toppling over, landing squarely on top of Kevin in a tangle of limbs.

"Whoa, are you okay?" Kevin asked, his concern evident in his voice as he tried to extricate himself from the awkward position.

"Yeah ," Aria replied, max was still playful with her in that Suitation too. She's too embarrassed now.

"Wait maxxy, " Aria said, Let me settle first. He was continuously licking her cheeks and playing with her hand in that position.

Embarrassment flooded through them both as they struggled to disentangle themselves, their cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment. Kole moved to help Aria, but before he could intervene, Kevin wrap his hands around her, helping her to her feet with a sheepish smile.

In an attempt to break the awkwardness that hung in the air, Aria introduced Kole to Kevin, her voice tinged with nervousness.

Aria : " kevin, he's my good friend, kole " AND "kole, he's kevin, he helped me through this adventure. "

Kevin's heart sank further at her introduction, but he pushed aside his feelings, extending a hand for a handshake with a forced smile.

"Nice to meet you, Kole," Kevin said, his voice betraying a hint of unease despite his efforts to appear composed.

Kole's response was measured, his handshake firm yet not overly enthusiastic. "Likewise, Kevin," he replied, his tone neutral yet attentive.

As their hands met, a tension lingered between them, each grappling with their own emotions in the wake of the unexpected encounter. They were headed back for the entrance gate of Celestial Haven when suddenly, someone shouted Kevin's name. Turning back, they saw two boys running towards them. Kevin stood there, a smile spreading across his face as they embraced each other, exchanging curses with amusement and relief.

Aria and Kole stood nearby, their expressions a mix of curiosity and reservation. Kole instinctively covered Aria's ears, shielding her from the exuberance of the reunion. Kevin, noticing their discomfort, intervened to break the buddy hug, introducing them to his friends, Ben and Luke.

As they shook hands, Luke's gaze lingered on Aria, his smile taking on a different quality as he seemed almost transfixed by her presence. Aria glanced at Kevin, silently pleading for rescue, and he discreetly cleared his throat, gently nudging Luke to release her hand.

Though embarrassed by the attention, Aria graciously accepted Luke's compliment on her eyes, while Kevin struggled to conceal his displeasure. Nevertheless, he maintained his composure, redirecting the conversation and suggesting that Aria and Kole depart, citing matters to discuss.

Aria, eager to leave the awkward situation behind, as she put her step ahead but she turns back and said,

Aria: "Kevin, I just wanted to express my gratitude. Your kindness in that moment meant a lot to me. Thank you for making it less awkward."

[Kevin nods, his attention fully on Aria as she continues.]

Aria: "You really turned what could have been an uncomfortable situation into something manageable, and I truly appreciate it."

Kevin offers a small smile, encouraging Aria to continue.]

Aria: "And, um, I have something for you."

[She retrieves a small crystal amethyst from her bag and extends it towards Kevin, who accepts it with surprise and gratitude.]

Aria: "I remembered you mentioning your interest in crystals, and when I found this one, I thought of you. I hope you like it."

[Kevin nods, a genuine smile forming on his lips as he examines the gift.]

Aria: "Thank you again, Kevin. And if you ever decide to come inside Celestial Haven, don't hesitate to ask around. They'll welcome you."

[Kevin nods appreciatively, his eyes reflecting his gratitude as Aria finishes speaking.]

Aria: "Well, I should get going now. Take care, Kevin. It was really nice meeting you."

With a final smile, Aria turns and walks away, leaving Kevin with a sense of warmth and appreciation for her kind words and thoughtful gesture.

As Aria and Kole departed, Kevin watched her disappearing figure with a mixture of admiration and regret, his thoughts consumed by the unexpected encounter and the words she had left him with.

Bye bye! My lovely readers.

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