(CH14) Changing Fate

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PRESENT: "As April came I tried to forget about Valerie and what she said.""Vampires?" Toby said uneasy. "Yes, it all seemed foolish at the time. I rather believe that somehow I could avoid what was to come.""How could you do that? When you only have four months left as a human.""That's the thing Toby. Even thought I thought I could avoid it all. It still was going to happen.""How did you try to avoid it?" Katherine looked Toby in the eyes. "The only way I thought I could.....""Lets hear it.. this time lets just keep going.""Thought that's what you said last time?" Toby smiled uneasy "Like I said lets hear it.....""To avoid fate, I thought to stay busy and to stay away from the people I knew. Would be the best way to avoid the warning and them whoever that was." April 1965"Keep smiling Katherine, prefect. You look fanatic! Absolutely gorgeous. Darling. Prefect" The photography said as he took pictures of Katherine.Katherine just smiled and owned the placed like she always does."Prefect darling, prefect. We will do more tomorrow." The photographer took his camera and walked away. "Fanatic Katherine!" "Thank you Caleb.""I'll be seeing you at the party tonight right?" "Of course, wouldn't miss it for nothing." "Great, see you tonight Katherine. Remember tons of famous people will be there."Katherine smiled and went on her way to change out of her dress. That she could barley walk in. Thinking tonight was just going to be another boring celebrity event. Wasn't long until Katherine walked out of the building and was now out in downtown L.A. Los Angeles was now Katherine's home. Well for now and no one but Katherine knew that. "Taxi!!!" Katherine yelled as a black car drove up to her."No darling, you are one of us now. You don't call for a taxi. Get in." Katherine saw Caleb and two other girls. One of each side of Caleb arm in the car. Katherine got in the car and off to the party they all went. Once Katherine got to the party she found herself at the bar. "Katherine! I've missed you!" "Mary! What a surprise what are you doing here?" "Well... me and Rod got back together. Him and the other guys are over there." "Wow! That's great I'm so happy for you." Katherine hugged Mary. "Thanks. I figured I don't have a chance with a Rolling Stone. So this is better for me. Besides I love Rod he's great." Mary had a smile on her face. That made Katherine happy. "That's great!""So what about you I see that engagement ring is still on your finger."Katherine looked at her ring. "It needs to come off." Katherine tried to take her engagement ring off but it wouldn't come off. "What's that other ring?""It's nothing." "Oh...." Before Mary could say anything Rod came over to her. "Mary love I was looking for you." "Rod!""You ready to leave?" "Yeah I am." Mary smiled as did Rod. Katherine looked away from those two."I'll see you later Katherine." Mary walked away with Rod as she waved at Katherine.Katherine looked at an empty glasses thinking she should get a drink. That's when two guys with brooklyn accents sat next to her. "We need this to work!" One of the guys said."It will Tommy it will." The other guy said. Katherine didn't look to see who was sitting next to her. She order a drink and looked at her rings on her fingers. "Oh my gosh you guys are in the Four Seasons." Two girls said as they walked closer to them. Katherine looked over this time. Katherine saw she was sitting next to Frankie Valli and Frankie was sitting next to Tommy Devito. "We love you!" The girls said to them. as they laughed."Well we're glad you'er fans." Frankie smiled. "Hey you know what I'm going to do?""What are you going to do?" The girls asked as they looked at Tommy."I'm going to close my eyes count to three and you two will be gone. "Come on Tommy..." Frankie said annoyed. "One, two and three." Tommy opened his eyes and the girls were gone. "See just like that gone." Tommy said as he took a drink of his glass. "How rude you are." Katherine said as she too took a drink of her glass. "Excuse me? Was anyone talking to you?" Tommy said as he was looking at Katherine. Frankie looked at Katherine and was instantly in love with her beauty. "Guys like you never learn." Katherine said as she lit a cigarette. "Women like you, well you would think you would learn to speak when you are spoken to. But you never do! Shocker really.""You know something Mr. Devito you can't own a women." "Some women you can.""What an awful person you are." Katherine got up and took Tommy's drink and dank it right in front of him. "What are you going to do?" Katherine put the glass down next to Tommy and walked away. Tommy didn't say anything just watched Katherine walk away. Tommy was ticked off. "Wow...." Frankie said impressed while looking over at Katherine. "You kidding me a women like that should be locked away. No man could handle that." Tommy was ticked off. Never in his life has a women did such a thing to him."Or maybe you just can't handle her." Frankie said looking at Katherine. "No! You can't like her Frankie! First off you're married and that girl she will tear you apart. Hell she will be owning you! That's no life. Okay? you listing to me. Hey?" Tommy saw Frankie was walking over to Katherine. "Frankie! Get back here!" Katherine was standing by a corner away from everyone. Trying to get her engagement ring off her finger. It just wouldn't come off. "Sorry about my friend. He can be a...." Frankie was cut off by Katherine."A jerk." "Yeah..... he can't help himself really..." "Tell me Mr. Valli are you like your friend?""No and call me Frankie. Ms?""Heartman, Katherine Heartman. Call me Katherine."Frankie looked at Katherine's hand and saw her engagement ring. "You're engaged?""Yeah....""Oh..."Katherine saw Frankie had a wedding ring on. "You're married.""Kind of." Frankie looked away from Katherine."What do you mean kind of?""Like we are having problems and I don't think we will ever fix them." Frankie looked Katherine in the eyes. "I don't care if you'er married." "Well I don't care if your engaged, but love they can not be a future for us." "No and that's okay." Katherine and Frankie moved closer to each other. "You know she is engaged to one of the Beatles. Paul McCartney." Tommy said as he ran over to Frankie and Katherine. "Is that so?" Frankie said looking at Katherine. "She's also linked to that band called The Rolling Stones. Frankie stay away from her. You're married for goodness shakes man.""I believe that's none of your business Tommy." Frankie reached for Katherine's hand. Katherine took Frankie's hand and followed Frankie out of the party. "Ah! You hear that?" Katherine said with a smile. "Hear what? Frankie asked."Silence." Katherine was still smiling. "Let me take you to dinner." Frankie moved closer to Katherine."I'm engaged to Paul McCartney.""Yeah and where is he? I don't see him anywhere. Besides I'm married remember?""You said dinner?" "Yes. If you will let me Princess.""I'm no Princess, I'm not goodness to ever be royalty." "Still you must be treated like a Princess and trust me you will love this restaurant." Frankie opened the car door for Katherine. Katherine got into a car with Frankie and as she played with her engagement ring. It came off. Katherine held it close in her hand. As she made sure her other ring would stay on. It might be wrong what Katherine and Frankie are doing. But the truth was neither one of them cared and they were having fun. That is for now. PRESENT:"WAIT! STOP" Toby stopped Katherine from telling her story. "Something wrong?""This story just took a complete turn. One second your in London engaged. The next you are in L.A. Going out to dinner with Frankie Valli from The Four Seasons. Who at this time is MARRIED! Oh and you are engaged to Paul McCartney a BEATLE.""I told you I left London to avoid my fate. Since now I knew Vampires exist. I thought moving to another state or out of the country would change my fate. All of it would just go away.""By changing your life?""Something like that.......""Frankie Valli.... I can't believe it." Toby shook his head in disbelief. "See Toby, you never know what could happen in life." "Please Katherine keep going.......""Four months left Toby.....""How does fate find you?" Toby was more intrigued then ever. Katherine looked off to the side. As if she blocked the memoirs for so long. Now they are coming back. Memories she wanted forgotten. 

 CH15 Coming Soon!            

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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