CH4 (New Love, Old Love)

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Spring 1964 

Katherine was now at the airport in London when she arrived she was greeted by someone who worked for The Beatles management. 

"Ms. Heartman" 

Katherine looked over to see a man walking over to her. 

"I'm here to make sure you go to the right place to see Paul" the man said quietly. 

"What Paul didn't think I could find him without getting lost?" 

The man started to laugh at how Katherine said the words. 

"He said you would say something like that" 

"Well I'm going to go now" Katherine said. 

"Your dating a Beatle no one knows but The Beatles and you maybe a few of your friends but listen Beatlemania is going on strong and people are talking about you and Paul I think it's best if you come with me. We wouldn't want Mr. McCartney mad at us now would we?" 

Katherine didn't like the guy who was talking to her so she thought of a way to get away from him for a few minutes. 

"I have to go to the ladies room ill be right back" Katherine said as she walked away from the man looking for a near by pay phone. 

"Make it quick" The man yelled. 

Katherine found a phone and called Paul's hotel room. 

Paul was in the hotel room with John talking about what they are going to do that night.

"So you going to hang out with the Stones tonight?" John asked Paul. 

"I don't know that depends what Katherine wants to do" 

"It be a fun party" John said. 

Right then the hotel phone ranged Paul answered it. 


"Since when do you hire rude demanding idiots to babysit your girlfriend without telling me" 

"What are you talking about I didn't hire anyone"

"Really? Then why is their an idiot demanding asshole trying to get me to come with him so he can take me to see you. I know where I'm going don't need a babysitter" 

As Paul was on the phone with Katherine John was ease dropping and their manager came into the room. 

"Katherine clam down" As Paul said that he looked up and saw his manager. 

"Don't tell me to clam down" Katherine yelled. 

Paul moved his hand over the phone as Katherine was yelling. 

"What did you do?" Paul said as he looked at their manager. 

"I hired someone to watch your girlfriend your secret girlfriend Paul if your not careful everyone will know you two are dating. It would be ......" 

"The best thing that could ever happen for media attention" John said. 

"You know what Katherine she is a star and babysitting her is only going to piss her off. Today it's our only day off and I want my girlfriend to be happy so ill fix this management madness before I lose her over stupidity" Paul shouted and also removing his hand from the phone while not realizing it. 

"I might be a Beatle but you have no right to take control over any of our girlfriends" 

"Wow I don't think I've ever seen him so mad" John said. 

"Girl" A Rolling Stones & Beatles FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now