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Disclaimer: This work of fiction contains elements of imagination, magic, and fantastical worlds. While inspired by various myths, legends, and folklore, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is purely coincidental. The author acknowledges that the portrayal of supernatural phenomena, magical powers, and mythical creatures is purely speculative and for entertainment purposes only. Readers are advised that the fantastical elements depicted in this book do not reflect reality. The views and opinions expressed by characters within this fictional world are not necessarily reflective of those held by the author. Readers are encouraged to suspend disbelief and embark on a journey through the realms of fantasy at their own discretion.

Do you ever wonder if magic truly exists? Does it ever cross your mind that maybe, you have the ability to do it but somehow it is hidden deep inside of you? In this story, magic is everything. But, how did they acquire it? How do they use magic? Where did magic come from? Hi, my name is Zaner Van Ashle and I welcome you to the world of Fairy tales.

@ureLazieyaf Presents..

Odyssey to Wizardry

Date Created: April 4, 2024

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