CHAPTER 1: The Well that Settled my Fate

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Zaner's POV

When I was a kid, I was always immersed in Disney movies and fairy tales. Growing up, I became fond of fantasies. When playing, I always imagine that I had some sort of superpowers. I read a lot of fantasy books and became enamored with the world of magic. But as time went by, this thought always crosses my mind: Does magic really exist?


"Oh fudge! I'm gonna be late for school!"

Today's the first day of Senior High School and here I am, going to be late. I quickly went to the bathroom and bathed myself. It took 30 minutes for me to get finished because my hair was so oily and I needed to get rid of dandruffs so I scrubbed my scalp really hard, and that's the reason I took so long. After bathing, I ironed my school uniform, the memories I had with my mom suddenly slipped in my mind. I missed her ironing my uniform in the morning. Now that I live alone, I'm starting to appreciate her care for me. I changed into my uniform and went to school. It was already 5:45 am when I left home and my class starts at 6 am.

"Fudgeeeee, I'm getting nervous! What a bad impression I'll have with my  first subj professor."

It's 5:59 when I was about to get in class when suddenly, another hand reached the doorknob. As I slowly turned around, I nearly cursed.

"Fuc–,"  I cursed underneath my breath as I saw him.

It was the professor! Standing tall wearing navy blue polo,  white trousers and black leather shoes. Well, I must say that this professor has fashion sense because it suits him.

"Oh hi there, are you getting in my class?" he said with a low but gentle voice.

"Ahh yess, I was about to get in. Am I considered late? Hehe." I said nervously.

"No, you're fine. I almost got late too." he said with a smile.

As we entered the room, the chaos suddenly disappeared and all eyes were on us. Since I was late, I had no choice but to sit at the back.

"Good Morning class, I am Mr. Dashiell Haw, your professor in the English Literature course. Our class duration is 5 hours so I am expecting all of you to sit back, participate, and enjoy this course. Now before we start, I want to get to know each one of you first."

After all the students introduced themselves including me, Mr. Haw dismissed the class early. I can't help but notice the stare Mr. Haw was giving me earlier cause it feels like he already know me. But I didn't think much of it so I decided to explore the university.

As I explored the school, I stumbled upon a wishing well. It looks so old because the algae around it is thick. There's not much students hanging around the area and so I wonder why.

As I was wondering, a low but gentle voice spoke behind me.

"I'm surprised you found this area. This is my favorite spot."

My heart skipped a beat and was startled but I heard this voice before so before turning around I knew that it was Mr. Haw.

"Mr. Haw, I didn't know that we have a place like this inside the campus." I asked just to break the silence.

"Not many students know this place." he said as he glanced at the old well as a small smile crept onto his lips.

"But it looks so old. Why do students not know this place when it looks like it's been there for a million years?" I asked as my curiosity spiked.

He started walking towards me, making our distance small.

"Hmm.. you should take a look at the well."

I did what he said without hesitation because I also wanted to look at it and my curiosity drove me crazy. But as I bent over to have a look at the well, hands were put on both of my shoulders. I felt being shoved into the well. I tried to fight it but it wasn't just a mere push. It was as if he unleashed a tidal wave of force, sending me hurtling inside the well.

As I looked above while falling, I saw his face smiling while saying something. I couldn't hear his voice but I could read his lips.

He was saying, "See you later, little wizard."

As the fall continued, my vision began to blur, and the next thing I knew, I was on the verge of passing out.

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