Chapter 44

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"I guess we are done" you replied while going through the list.

"You sure, we don't need anything else?"

Taehyung asked for an confirmation and you just hummed on his question with with eyes sticking on the piece of paper while you double checked on the items.

"Can we have a bar of chocolates and an ice cream bucket, please?" you looked at him expectantly hoping that he won't say no.

"Yeah you can, the doctor didn't prohibit you from having chocolates or ice cream" he smiled and you smiled brighter.

He pushed the cart and scooted the section of sweets and frozen desserts and you followed him like a kid.

He picked up the largest biggest bar and tossed it on the cart.

"Which flavor?" he asked before picking up the ice cream bucket.

"Milk Chocolate Vanilla! Or honey Pistachio maybe" Taehyung picked both and an delightful curve appeared on your lips instantly. Taehyung loved that smile of yours.

"Can we go check out now? Or you need something else?" he asked and you nodded as a sign of no.

The two of you walked to the counter which was unexpectedly and fortunately not much crowded that day, so it didn't take much time.

Taehyung carried the bags in both hands as the two of you walked towards his car.

Taehyung kept the shopping bags on the back seat while you hopped in beside the driving seat.

You thought Taehyung just come and sit beside you and will drive you back home but instead he locked you inside with the bags.

"You won't come in?" you asked in confusion, not understanding what exactly he was trying to do.

"Umm... Can you wait inside for sometime? I have some work left" he scratched the back of his head nervously and you gave him the permission to leave thinking that it might be important.

Taehyung walked off and you saw going inside the store again. You were curious to know what he was upto, so you decided that you will directly ask him when he comes back.

After approximately ten you saw Taehyung coming out of the store and he was carrying a packet in his hand.

He scooted towards the car and in a moment he was by your smiling at you.

"What did you buy?" you asked curiously.

"Some Japchae cup and strawberry" Taehyung replied with the boxy smile dueling on his face.

"As usual" you chuckled while Taehyung started the engine and drove off.


"I am making the dinner today" Taehyung said and you gave a weird look to Taehyung who stood in the kitchen, quite confident about his cooking skills.

"You sure about that? Because the last time you tried cooking the food never came off the plate. I don't wanna starve at night" you gulped at his dangerous decision.

"That was months ago, I am pro now" he snapped and you wished that it wasn't the last day of your life.

"Okay" you smiled weirdly, you didn't want to spoil his enthusiasm. "Just don't set the kitchen on fire"

"Your taste buds will be on fire babe!" his words felt like a threat, as if the old bastard Taehyung was back again.

"Tell me if you need some help" to this  Taehyung cockily laughs.

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