chapter 5

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Beatrice pov, 2 days ago:

2 months ago, the queen died and so Victor, my mentor, I always admired him. I was ready to fight but he insisted I stayed out of this, he shouted to me: "Beatrice no ! Stay there, go back to the basement !" After they both died, the council decided the new family's knight would be Reagan, so I decided to leave for a little trip. 3 month later, the princess's cousin sent me a letter.

'Hello Beatrice, I'm informing you that Reagan has left the country and his kingdom. I still don't know why, but I never wanted another knight but you, when Victor died. I think Ava wants me to become the queen, and please I need you to take care of her. She's kind of becoming a mess. Help, lol.'

I laugh while reading her letter, I remember that Victor was saving the princess when they attacked us. But I don't really remember anything of the princess, I kind of never really being in presence of her I guess.


"Beatrice, I'm so glad you were able to free yourself!" Camila said as she stepped forward.

After reading the letter, Beatrice took her horse and headed towards the kingdom. When she arrives, she is warmly welcomed by Camila.

"Forgive my absence, I had to take a step back. So how is the princess?"

"Well I would say, I know in my letter I said she was a bit of a mess but Ava still comes out good. As I thought, Ava asked me to be queen. But I don't know if-"

"Stop, you would be an incredible queen. Do you remember that when we were young you always knew how to lead us when we played kings and villagers, especially when we fought, it was always you who resolved the conflicts. Said the knight, interrupting her friend.

"You're right. Okay, let me show you your quarters. Anyways I already accepted, but I still wanted to talk about it with you. Also, Ava threw a party to celebrate, you know her so I would like you to be there to watch over her.

Beatrice nodded and the two headed towards the palace.


In the bedroom:

"Here's your new room."

"A double bed ? For what, I am alone. Asked the tall woman, curious.

Camila turned and put the luggage down.

"I know, but I figured you would be very exhausted so I prepared one of the most comfortable rooms, doubles are always more relaxing."

"Oh ok I see."

"Ava's room is 2 rooms from yours to the left, if you want to go see her."

Beatrice smiles.

"Thank you for everything, I'm glad I came back."

"So am I."

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