Authors Note

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Yall interested in a new story? Im new to writing but I thought I'd contribute to my own addiction


I knew she was sneaking glances from her the side of aisle. It was our first time in the same room in a while. I missed her and I know she missed me but I'm "Married" and I fucked up.

"And the winner for Outstanding Motion Picture is...."The Color Purple"!"

I felt her before I felt her.

"Smile and act like we cool Tasia." She whispered. So I did I wrapped my arms around her and took in everything I missed. Her smell, the feel of her wrapped around me, her smile, her eyes. I felt my heart ache and my heat throb as she lead us to the stage.



As we walked off after interviews I strengthened my hold on Taraji's wrist "Tar..."

"Not right now Fantasia." She tried to pull away.

"Yes right now." I pulled her into a side room "You have been avoiding me in every way since I got back. "I have been trying to apologize for weeks."

"You took that nigga to Paris! Fucking Paris Tasia! It was supposed to be our trip and you punched out and took that nigga! And you smell like him what you gave him some before the show" She whispered angrily

"Fix your tone Raj! I am sorry I know I fucked up but baby this cant be us now. What we just don't exist anymore after the past year and a half? Are you really just done with me because I made a mistake?" I asked staring her in the eyes. "I fucked up and thats just it you don't love me or want me anymore? Who the fuck is that big ass nigga you came with?"

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