The return

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Jimin quietly let himself into his 'home',a studio apartment that suited his needs.
As was his usual routine he showered changed into lounge clothes and washed what he had worn that day.
Once it was out to dry he cooked a small meal eating it then washing the dishes before picking up a book to read.
The quietness was shattered by his phone ringing.He frowned,it wasn't often he got calls.....not many had his number...he boy used the phone to chat now and then to his parents or to call his boss.
He didn't recognise the number and was going to ignore it but the insistent ringing made him press it on.
"Is that Park Jimin?"
"It is...who are you?"
"I'm Kim Namjoon,a lawyer,"
"I er regret to inform yoù that your parents met with an accident.....they are er....deceased.please accept my sympathy I'm sorry for your loss."
Jimin heard the words but just felt a chill inside .He and his parents hadn't been close for a longtime in fact when he'd asked to go abroad it seemed like they almost breathed a sigh of relief.Of course Jimin knew it was from when he had inadvertently blurted out one day to them that he had feelings for Jungkook.
They had looked shocked and had told him Jungkooks parents wouldn't allow a union between them as they had planned out his partner from a young age.
Jimin had actually laughed saying," Kookie loves me,we will always be together,"
He gave a self derisive snort,how naive had he been,it had all been taken from him two days later.
"Kookie hold up your walking too fast!"
"What is it Jimin,I have a class to get too!"
"I know Kookie it's the same as mine  !" Jimin giggled grabbing his arm.
"WILL YOU STOP!" Jungkook shouted
Jimin stopped in surprise," Kookie what's up?"
"You! You follow me around like a lost puppy,I'm sick of it,it's embarrassing ..."
"But we are best friends a-and I like you...a really a lot," he blushed
"God ....I can't do this anymore.....I did it for our parents sake their friendship,mum and dad asked me to take care of you at school but you've become bloody embarrassing ,the chubby boy who hangs out with the next alpha ,I don't need you to be a cockblocker turning up when I'm with a girl,pushing my real friends away with your pathetic clingy nature,all those times I've said I have to stay home and revise is because that's the only time I can meet up with them without you hanging around!"
Jimin was shocked,he heard sniggering in the corridor and found groups of kids laughing at him .
He stared back at Jungkook seeing a mixture of sorrowfulness and distaste in his eyes.
"I-I'm sorry...I didn't realise....of course I'll leave you be,I mean of course I'm not...we'll look at me huh....yes I'll leave you alone...of course I will..." he bowed then ran off away from those staring at him,from the one who had said the harsh words and from the school....,that was the day he'd closed himself  away from everyone,getting moved to America and starting a new life with no attachment's,barely keeping contact with his parents. Even when he'd finished his education and decided to work abroad he'd never been home,the last five years kept giving excuses and only seeing them once in what had been a business meeting for his dad so they had fitted him in .
"Thank you for telling me,"
"You er seem....quite restrained at the news?"
" parents and I weren't in touch that all?"
"Well no,er their property and funeral and the shares you now hold."
"I don't know much about my father's business dealings.....I suppose....ok I can take time to come for their funeral and clear it all up before coming back."
"Good...I've actually booked you a flight for tomorrow the funeral is the next day,I'll text you the details and the ticket."
"Well ok...I'd better ring my boss and tell him I'm off for a while."
Jimin put the phone down,then picked it up again calling his boss.
"Mr Armstrong I'm sorry but I need time off from tomorrow,"
"Jimin?this is most irregular and we are busy..."
"Yes sir I agree but I have to go home to sort some things out."
"Now? Can't it wait....?"
"I suppose I could miss the funeral and go next week..." he mused
"Funeral? Jimin whose funeral?"
"My parents..."
"What! Of course you have to go,I'm sorry Jimin take all the time you need....i didn't realise."
"If your sure sir?"
"Of must be shocked...of course you must be at their funeral.."
"Very well sir thank you,"
Jimin stood up and went to his closet, packing clothes and finding his passport.
His phone pinged and it was from Kim Namjoon all the details he needed.
Going to his small fridge he threw out the small amount of food there otherwise it would just be mould when he got back.
Checking everything was done he nodded to himself tat all was ready and got into bed . Early start tomorrow he thought
"I'm telling you he barely said a word it was like I was telling him it was going to rain tomorrow "
"Huh I expect he's crying his eyes out right now the Jimin I remember was very emotional,cried at sad films."
"That was a long time ago maybe he's changed."
"Yer,we didn't part on the best of terms,that was the day my parents told me they had arranged for me to 'settle down' with that omega ,I was sick of them trying to make my every move for me, so I told them no and we argued  before I got to school I took my temper out on him said a few choice words but it did get him off my back actually he left not long after ,his parents never did tell me what job he has,I wonder if he's changed ?"
"Well his flights tomorrow the funeral the day after and the will."
"Oh yer he owns the shares now doesn't he?"
"Yes your father gave him 20%""
"At least he  will be sitting pretty"
"Kook he's just lost his parents!!"
"I know,I kinda miss them too."
Namjoon patted his friend on his back,"well you've had a lot to do with them over the years"
" I wonder if he's changed at all..."
"Well you'll have to waiț til he gets here."
"I expect his attitude is the same annoying way it was..."
"Well your both adults now,your also the alpha,so wait and see."
"That's true...let's see what the future brings...."
Jimin felt his clammy hands,what was wrong with him
It was his birthplace for crying out loud!
He sighed then pulling his suitcase he made to walk out,but an old familiar voice stopped him.
"I'm telling you Namjoon I can't see him here he must have missed the plane...ok, five more minutes and if Park Jimin doesn't come through I'm going,I was just doing you a favour picking him up..."
Jungkook felt a light tap on his arm and he turned looking down.
"Hello Jungkook have you been waiting for me,I'm sorry there was a baggage problem."
"Jimin? Holy fuck Park Jimin?"
Jungkook stared at the smaller handsome guy before him with his black styled hair beautiful eyes and a figure that got his inner wolf growling.

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