In limbo

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Jimin walked around the smiling people wishing he could too.
He was in Phuket the first plane out of the airport with a spare seat.
He wandered along and found a bar advertising for bartenders.
He walked in the smell of alcohol turning his stomach a bit.
"I'm interested in the job?"
"You bartend before?"
"You can make cocktails we get a lot of tourists?"
"I can show you?"
Jimin got his bearings and showed his talent.
"Ok jobs yours,shift system but you get more for late shifts."
"Ok I'll do that,do you know anywhere that has rooms to rent?"
"Actually if you agree to lock up you can have a spare room up the stairs,it's basic but won't cost you anything."
"Thank you,I have my stuff here,I can start today?"
The owner was happy,maybe he could spend more time with his family at night now.
"I can get you references from the US?"
"It's ok,you have a trustworthy face....and I get the idea you're running from something?"
Jimin looked sad then," you can't control other people can you?"
The manager nodded taking a liking to the sad faced male.
"So if anyone comes asking for.....?"
"Jimin Jeon....I mean Park"
"Ok Jimin,you want me to deny a Jimin works here?"
"Yes....actually call me moochi....its a nickname my parents gave me when I was a baby,nobody else knows it."
"Moochi it is,go get settled in and come down at four,I'll show you around before your shift."
Jimin went through a staff door then upstairs,the room he was shown suited his needs. He felt tired and so he unpacked.
He'd deliberately zig zagged around on arrival knowing if ajungkook did manage to trail him he could make it harder,so yesterday he'd stayed in a downmarket hostel then caught another bus taking a long route then a train to here,hiding his face with a mask and changing tops at each stop.
Si here he was with three hours to kill.He slipped out going to a convenience store and buying snacks and bottled water.
He still felt nauseous so ate some dry crackers and drank water then setting an alarm he lay on the bed drifting off quickly he was so exhausted.

"Why is it so hard to find one person !" Jungkook yelled.
"We know he's in Thailand we got him on camera,but he's not stupid,he's been covering his tracks.
Jungkook was in his home looking dark eyed through lack of sleep,every now and then when Jimn was forgetting to block him he got waves of sadness sweep through him mixed up with swirling emotions."
Hobi ,Suga,Jin and Namjoon were with him,Ae entered bringing a takeaway.
"Come on Kook you have to eat,it's been four days..."
"I'm not hungry,I feel nauseous...."
"That's because you haven't eaten,"
"Yer you need to eat,that's why you feel sick.....well unless Jimin was pregnant then you might feel sick?" Jin mused.
He suddenly saw five pairs of eyes staring at him.
"Did you need to say that right now?"
"It doesn't matter..he's on birth control,he doesn't want kids yet.
The others kept quiet.
"I can't live without him....."Jungkook said quietly.
His friends had tears in their eyes at the anguish in his voice.

Jimin smiled at the customers even though he didn't feel great inside.
"Moochi a Pernod please," a regular said
Jimin poured the drink the strong aniseed smell making his stomach roll. He quickly took the money and rushed to the staff bathroom.
"Eugh not again have I picked up a bug,"
He wondered if Jungkook sensed it as he hadn't shielded himself," sorry Kookie,I may be mad at you but this is yuk!"
He rinsed his mouth then went back to work,his manager looked at him.
"Sick again?"
"Yes sorry....."
"Don't go to this doctor get checked out,then come back and rest,you've been doing overtime covering others the last two weeks,I've noticed,"
"No buts if your ill you need to get better."
So Jimin went to the doctors.
"Well congratulations omega your nearly two months pregnant."
"Two's a honeymoon baby..oh god......but doctor I've been taking birth control pills while pregnant...not for long but...?"
"If it wasn't long you should be ok...let's do blood tests and I'll give you some iron tablets your very pale.."
Jimin left the doctors in shock.
With his and Jungkooks child which they had conceived on Honeymoon.
He wandered home going through the bar about to go upstairs when the manager stopped him.
"Jimin there are people around asking if we know you,of course nobody here knows your name and they didn't have a photo..."
"Uh huh..."
"Are you ok? You look a bit....well don't worry nobody will let them find you.."
"Jimin?what's wrong ?"
Jimin looked at his boss and friend then blurted out ,
"I'm pregnant with my husband the Alphas wasn't planned,but I want it more than anything....but he doesn't need me...he has someone else."
"Oh Jimin I'm sorry...but are you sure,why would he look for you if he doesn't want you? Is he a bully,does he beat you up is that why you ran?"
"No....hes actually quite sweet buys me everything,cooks my meals because he pretends he wants to just cook but i know it's because he doesn't want to hurt my feelings about my bad cooking..."
"So the guy does everything for you....but you think he's involved with someone else?"
"Well...I know it sounds stupid but I saw pictures of his ex with him in a compromising position..."
"And how did you see them?"
"Well I got sent them......"
"By who?"
"I don't know...they came to the house,it shocked me even more because he said he didn't like her."
"Look Jimin... I don't want to negate your feelings, but doesn't it seem a little bit suspect that  photographs of him and his ex arrive sent by who knows who and he seems to have been doing everything for you not her?"
"I.......",Jimin's brain whirled images coming in,Lisa holding Jungkooks hand to her breast Jungkook well his eyes were closed....wait...his eyes were closed ? Jimin knew for a fact that when Jungkook had sex he liked to stare at you catch your moment of release  it turned him on more.
"Oh my god,what have I done........she played me,that bitch played me!"
"What are you going to do about it?"
"What can I do,I accused him wrongfully,I left without allowing him to explain....he will never trust me again....."
"You're carrying his child......."
Jimin sighed hugging his stomach," I'm going to have to go back aren't I,even if he doesn't want me he has a right to know.......maybe some sort of visitation rights can be put in place......"
"I'm sure he will want you and the baby"
Jimin didn't feel so sure,why had he stormed off....he couldn't blame the other if he got mad.
"Im sorry but I have to go,"
"Let's look at flights then we can get you ready."
The only flight Jimin could get on was early the next day so he booked it then packed his belongings and went to bed early.
He lay thinking about his future,had he burned his bridges with Jungkook?
"Im sorry baby,I'm not a very good parent am I,your daddy probably will get mad at me because I didn't stay to talk it through.....well ....what will be ,will be."

"Jungkook,sources have narrowed down where Jimin is,we have a rough area ,I'm going to fly out at eleven tomorrow ," Suga said.
"I'm coming too,I need to find him."

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