The heat

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Jimin had returned to the house but had gone straight to bed.
When Jungkook had tried to talk to him he had brushed him away saying he needed time to take this all in,so Jungkook had gone and sat on the veranda drinking until he felt tired enough to sleep but the gap between them in the bed spoke volumes .
Jimin got up early,seeing Jungkook in a deep sleep the cover draped around his waist showing his sculptured chest.
Jimin felt a heat rush through him and looked away instead getting up and deciding to cool off in the sea.
He wasn't a strong swimmer but the coolness satisfied him for a while.
For some reason his body felt on fire so he dived under the water hoping it would help but he didn't like the pull of the waves so hurried to where it was shallower.
At that moment his stomach grew tight and uncomfortable he felt hot,he felt.....needy.
" heat...why is it so strong,aaaah!"
He doubled over which is how Jungkook saw him as he came anxiously out of the house.
"Jimin! What's up I feel your panic!"
Jungkook ran to him spinning him to face him,seeing immediately what was wrong by the lust in Jimin's eyes and how his member stood proud and definitely in need of attention.
"Your heat...?"
"It's never been like this,oh god Kookie help me!"
Jungkook swept Jimin up taking him inside to the bedroom.
He lay him down and caged his body under his. His mouth took possession of Jimin's while his hands touched Jimin intimately.
He worked his way down Jimins body nipping here and there then took Jimin into his mouth his practised tongue swirling around the length and slit. His fingers entered him easily the slick allowing him to thrust in.
Jimin was sweating and groaning in pleasure but wanting more.
Jungkooks fingers hit the sensitive nerves inside over and over driving the male over the top til he screamed his release.
Jungkook went to remove his fingers..
" I need it still...,oh god I need you in me..."
"Ride me ....take me in,"
Jimin sat astride Jungkook and slid down the alphas rigid member,riding him and guiding Jungkooks hands to his still hard organ,as he fucked himself on the alpha both their hands were pumping Jimin and Jungkook thought he'd never seen such an erotic sight. His omega looked sexy and desirable grinding down on him and released over their hands not missing a beat as he still fucked himself on the alpha ,Jungkook took over swinging his legs to the side of the bed so he could sit up as Jimin still straddled him and gripped the omegas hips as he chased his own high.
Jimin's brain joined with his wolf,calling 'mate' he felt his teeth lengthen and so did Jungkook who bared his neck to him hissing as the sharp teeth bit in then the ecstasy had him filling his omega in an explosive manner.
Jimin was panting his tongue lapped the wound on instinct,his stomach bulged with the alphas knot and his head dropped to Jungkooks shoulder.
"I couldn't help it......."
"I know....its ok ,"
"My heats never like that,"
"A lot of firsts eh?I only knot with you,"
"I'm usually in control of myself I don't know what's happening to me....."
"It's a mate thing,our wolves recognise each other,we need sex it's part of us,I can only knit with you because you will be my pups mother."
"'m not...I can't be a mother,no I refuse!"
Jungkook couldn't stop the hurt he felt at Jimins words and Jimin sensed it.
"Look came out wrong ok....I can feel your unease at that but....Kookie I'm only just finding my feet as a married person,I have things I want to do aren't on my plan for a long time,I've never even thought about having them!"
Jungkook kept quiet,now that his knot was gone he lifted Jimin off him.
"It's fine," he lied about to walk off.
Jimin grabbed his arm," don't lie to me,I can sense it now which is another thing,how do you turn it off,I don't want it all in my head I want to be me without you invading...."
Jungkook just stared at him," that's easy,you can blank me,your wolf will shut me out,actually that's a great idea because I'm not too sure you'd want to know my thoughts right now..."
And just like that Jimin felt disconnected.
Jungkook showered then muttered to Jimin he was going to walk around the island  and he left .
Jimin felt a bit regretful at his words and thought he would make it up to the other.
He tried to cook a special meal but he wasn't great in the kitchen and ended up burning his arm on a hot pot,but he persevered and soon had an assortment of dishes set on the table.
He sat down waiting for Jungkook,surely he'd be back soon he hadn't eaten breakfast and it was way past lunch.
His arm stung from the burn but he didn't care. He waited and waited not touching the food.
It went cold so he covered it all and put it in the fridge. Tears dripped from his face and he curled into a chair holding onto his blistered arm and sniffing until with tiredness he fell asleep.
Late afternoon and Jungkook strode in not saying anything to the male he could sense was in the chair nearby.
He frowned at the set table but walked past to get a cold beer from the fridge.
Inside he saw all the untouched dishes,Jimin had done this.he sighed closing his eyes for a second and turned,
"Jimin I....." he stopped when he saw the omega sound asleep,dried tears on his puffy face and an angry red burn in his arm which he scratched in his sleep.
"Fuck ,Jimin baby wake up..."
Jimins eyes opened slowly and he sniffed,
"I cooked you lunch ,it's cold,it probably tastes awful too...."
"You burned your arm....."
"Yeh I'm pretty useless in the kitchen..."
"Go have a shower while I heat it up and I'll put some cream on your arm,you haven't eaten have you?"
"No....I wanted to apologise,I was a bit harsh."
"No you spoke how you felt and it's true you have a lot of catching up to do...go on get cleaned up so we can eat,we leave tomorrow so we have to tidy the place ."
Jimin disappeared into the shower and Jungkook heated up the food adding some herbs to the somewhat bland dishes before Jimin came back.
They sat down and Jungkook tucked in.
"This is really good Jimin.."
"It's better than I thought it would be,tasty!"
Jungkook hid his smile and nodded.
Soon they were done and before the dishes were washed Jungkook found the first aid box and put soothing cream on Jimins arm.
Washing up done they packed their clothes.
"We need to get you more stuff," Jungkook said.
"Well I have a few more bits in America....we'll actually not much,mainly dancewear."
"Jimin do you really need to fly back?you could email your boss and dance school....but I suppose there's a lot of personnel stuff in your apartment?"
"Actually not much really,the furniture came with it,just a few clothes and books,I never did buy things I didn't need."
"So I could arrange a service to pack up your things and clean up ready to sell it?"
"Sell it.........oh,I suppose so......."
"That's it then,we will do that the proceeds will be put into the estate of your parents which you can access later."
"It just feels weird...."
"It will feel normal soon."
"Let's put some music on...." Jimin asked
Jungkook went to the music system selecting a station and soon a melody poured out.He stood in front of Jimin holding out his hand,
"May I have the pleasure Mr Jeon?"
"Certainly Mr Jeon," Jimin giggled
They stood swaying to the music,one song after another,soon giving each other little kisses,which turned into a heavy make out session,Jungkook gently stripping Jimin of his clothes and caressing every part of him,
"Lean over that chair," Jungkook said diminatingly as he stripped off his own clothes.
He came up behind Jimin nudging his feet apart and displaying his slick hole.
"Whose are you baby?" Jungkook asked as he thrust in deeply.
"Aaah! Yours Kookie I'm yours..."
Sounds of skin against skin filled the room along with panting breaths and loud groans
"I love your beautiful ass," Jungkook said then pulled out exploding over the pale skin on show as he pumped Jimin til he reached his climax and came over the floor.
"Stay still I'll clean you up,"
Jungkook cleaned Jimin up then the floor.
"Why....why did you pull out?"
"Well until you get birth control pills it's best."
Jimin didn't know if he felt pleased at Jungkooks thoughtfulness or not,he knew what he preferred and it was Jungkook coming inside of him,he made a note in his head to see a doctor soon.
"Let's put the washing on so it can dry overnight then it's just the bedding which we can do in the morning."
Soon they were cleaning the place up and hanging washing out which would dry in no time even though there was a dryer inside the fresh air made the washing smell nicer.
Soon they felt hungry again and made food before cleaning up then going for a short stroll before going to bed where they just cuddled.
Not many hours later and they were in a car going home,the honeymoon over.
Jungkooks phone rang..." yes dad..., well yes we did,I suspected as much but it would have been better to let Jimin have a we are I'm going shopping with Jimin we can't come for a meal...who? Are you fucking kidding me?no I will not give her a job at the company ,no I run it now not you,I don't care if her dad and you are in good terms I'm not giving her a job"
He turned the phone of staring at it angrily.
"Is everything  ok Kookie?"
"My father is nuts,the girl I was supposed to marry has come asking for a job because our parents know each other,is he mad,doesn't he see it could be a disaster?"
"Erm,what does she do?"
"She's good at business but I can't stand her snarky nature."
"But your dad must want it otherwise he will fall foul of his friend."
"Jimin are you telling me to employ the woman I was supposed to marry? Isn't that a bit too weird?"
"Well she will know your married it's not like she would do anything is it?"
Oh how Jimin would come to rue those words.

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