My baby has my baby

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"Jinny I love it,Kookie look balloons and a cake!"
Jimin jumped around in excitement his worried mate hovering in case he fell.
"Yes baby it's great but do you have to jump around?"
"Thanks Jimin I'm glad you appreciate it,how about you show us all the nursery you've had done before we get down to the gender reveal."
"Yes,yes it's so cute guys,Kookie has been great getting it sorted ,come on!"
"Jimin don't run!" Jin called hurrying after him,the rest of the friends following.
"Phew I'm out of breath,I gotta stitch!" Jimin laughed before he opened the door to a room done in cream and mint green.
A rocking chair was placed by an elaborate crib,a tiny wardrobe filled with neutral colour outfits sat to the side matching chest of drawers and shelves with waiting photo frames and an assortment of teddies.
"Look,look at this musical crib hanger isn't it sweet!"
Everything a newborn would want was there.
"Well we knew Jungkook would have bought you everything but we persuaded him to let us all by the combi pram /car seat/pushchair set you liked,it's in Tae's car."Hobi said
"Really! Wow we are so lucky thank you thank you!!"
Jimin hugged them all and nobody could help but smile at his genuine enthusiasm."
"Let's go eat cake!" Jimin yelled jumping around again stopping when a stitch in his side ached.
"You ok baby?"
"Yer just keep forgetting I'm like a beached whale!"
They all went downstairs popping a bottle of champagne open and a glass of sparkling water for Jimin. Who sipped it down then scrunched his face as indigestion hit.
"Oooh that was fizzy!!"
"Attention,so I took a poll from you all to see what you thought Jimin was having;
Me:cute little girl
Tae:twins boy and girl
"What,Tae we know it's one baby!"Jungkook said
"Well I thought twins would be too cute for words I could buy loads of matching outfits!"
"We'll have your own!" Jimin said
"Who with?"
"I could help you there..." Suga smirked
"Duh!you couldn't handle me let alone twins!"
"Try me," Suga dared staring the handsome male out until Tae shyly hid behind Namjoon.
Jimin laughed hard bending over in amusement as Tae got shyer and shyer when Suga went and stood next to him.
"Don't! Your making my belly sore ," he giggled
"Come on let's get this cake cut!" Jungkook said putting his hand around Jimin's waist.
"Ok then will the parents to be cut the cake!"
Jimin and Jungkook held the knife making two slices and holding their breath as they pulled the piece out.
"Yay!! It's a boy,we are having a son!!" Jungkook said excited.
Jimin laughed his smile beaming,they all raised their glasses,
"Here's to master Jeon we can't wait to meet you," Namjoon said .
Everybody was eating cake,Jimin rubbed his tummy he'd been rushing around a bit today and it ached a bit.
He disappeared to the toilet feeling as if he was bursting but didn't make it his trousers suddenly damp.
"What the?owwwww!" He groaned as pain shot through his stomach. He bent double holding onto a wall.
"No it can't be I have two weeks !" He bent over again as the pain came harder.
"So Kook you and Jimin have any names?"
"No we have toiled with a few but..."
Everyone's head turned at the sound,Jimin stood there panting in pain.
"Baby what is it?"
"I'm having the baby.."
"Yes we know that's why....wait your having the baby!!!!quick Suga the car,Jin his case,everyone let's go!" Jungkook panicked rushing out the door.
"Er Kook?"
"What Namjoon,we need to go?!?!?"
"Jimin you've left him there!"
He ran back inside babbling.
"Sorry baby let me carry you..."
"Stop panicking Kookie,"
"But we have to get there....."
"We will calm down,aaaaaagh!"
"Aaaaaargh!" Jungkook groaned as Jimin squeezed his arm painfully
Suga drove the car glancing worriedly in the mirror as Jimin cried out n pain.
"It hurts Kookie,it hurts!""ouch! Yes baby we will soon be there! Hurry Suga!"
Ten minutes later all of them arrived,Jimin was rushed off with a notably pale Jungkook beside them.
Jimin was examined and told to get ready for a caesarian ,male omegas couldn't give birth naturally .
"Alpha will you be staying for it?"
"Of course he will it's his baby," Jimin panted
"Erm yer....."
Ten minutes later Jimin was numbed and Jungkook was holding his hand as the doctor cut.
"Kookie we will have our son soon!"
"Mmmm hmmm.."
"Kookie you look a little pale?"
"I ..oh fuck!".....thud
The group outside paced nervously then grinned as a babies cry was heard,hugging each other in joy.
Shortly after the doors opened but with surprise they saw Jungkook wheeled out on a trolley.
Next came the baby in a crib cute with pouty lips.
Jimin was then wheeled out.
"Hey guys did you see Jungkook is he ok?"
"He's passed out on a trolley what happened?"
"I'm not sure he went Very pale and collapsed...god I hope he's ok..."
"What about you are you ok?"
"Of course....but poor Kookie,"
"Your cutie pie son is gorgeous"
"He is isn't he......"
Jimin was taken to a private room where Jungkook already was...sitting on a sofa head held in his hands.
"Kookie! Are you ok."
Jungkook stood up moving to the bed as Jimin was placed in it.
"I'm so sorry baby......I let you down...."
"It's ok you should have said if you didn't feel well."
"It wasn't me being ill....I was a wuss,the first cut and I keeled over."
"You passed the sight of blood?!?!"Jimin covered his mouth but a snort of laughter was heard.
"Jungkook is that true? Our alpha Mr Big and Strong,buckled at the sight of blood?" Suga said grinning
"Stop was horrid,they were cutting my mate open and all that blood......!"
"Never mind Kookie,I still think you're big and strong....." Jimin giggled
"Your taking the piss aren't you?"
"Kinda," Jimin laughed
"Baby....." Jungkook whined then jumped up," the baby where's the baby?!"
"Alpha your son is here " a nurse said wheeling the crib in.
Jungkook looked at his son," hello little man,I'm your daddy,I'll protect you and love you always little Ji-won ."
"Ji-won,I like it," Jimin smiled.
"Baby I'm so proud of you,you were strong and cooed so well....does it hurt?"
"I'm sore but ok and look at the prize I got!"
"My baby had my baby....." Jungkook murmured
The two looked over to where their friends were gathered around the crib.
"I'm gonna get him so many cute outfits!!" Tae said
"I'm gonna teach him to be vigilante and strong " Hobi said
"I'm going to show him to respect others feelings and show love," Suga said side glancing at Tae
"I'll show him how to be upright and loyal," Namjoon said.
"I'll teach him jokes," Jin said making the others groan.
Suga nudged Hobi," we can teach him not to faint at the sight of blood!
Guffaws of laughter came and Jungkook reddened.
"Right you lot...out,I want time with my family!"
Snorting with laughter they all waved and left.
"Some Alpha I am eh?" Jungkook sighed.
"Your my alpha and I love you,"
"What did I do to deserve you?"
"Well yer I am a prize aren't I?" Jimin laughed before he held his arms out to be cuddled by his husband,a little wail had them looking at the crib.
"Seems like our son wants in on the cuddle," Jungkook said,carefully picking him up and placing him in Jimins arms where he nuzzled against him and slept again.
Jungkook looked at his small family and felt an overwhelming rush of love.
"Regardless of the so glad you came back into my life...."

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