"Hospital/Can You Remember Anything"

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Steve - (Waking Up/Groaning)

Mabel - "Hey there, sleepy head. You're finally awake."

Steve - "....Hi."

Mabel - "Hi."

Steve - "You're really beautiful."

Mabel - (Giggling) "Thank you. Can you remember your name?"

Steve - "....Steve....Steve Harrington."

Mabel - "Okay, good. Steve, can you remember what happened to you?"

Steve - "....No, I can't. What happened to me? What happened....?" (Crying)

Mabel - "It's okay, it's okay. I've got you. I'm here."


Doctor - "We scanned his brain and it turns out he has partial amnesia. Which means he can remember some things, can't remember other things too."

Dipper - "Okay, but he'll fully get memories back over time?"

Doctor - "Of course. Right now I suggest one of you take him in and take care of him while he gets his memories back."

Dipper - (Smirking)

Mabel - "What? Why are you looking at me and smirking?"

Dipper - (Smirking)

Mabel - "....N - No."

Dipper - "I saw the way you both looked at each other. He called you beautiful and you giggled and over all this, you dumped that asshole, Jake. You have to take him in."

Mabel - "I - I. (Groaning) Fine. I'll take him in. You're really enjoying this are you?"

Dipper - "Yes, I am." (Laughing)

Steve Harrington/Mabel Pines - "Stable" - "Really Happy I Met You"Where stories live. Discover now