"Not Together"

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Dipper - "Hey, sis, you made it."

Mabel - "If you're going to make fun of me again, don't."

Dipper - "I won't, I won't. I promise."

Mabel - "Okay, good."

Dipper - "....You 2 kiss yet?"

Mabel - (Groaning) "Oh,my God. Dipper!"

Dipper - (Laughing)

Tambry - "What's Dipper talking about?"

Dipper - "I'm talking about the night that guy got into a bad crash and ended in the hospital and couldn't remember his memories after. The doctors told us one of us had to take him in and guess who did."

Tambry - "Oh, my God. Mabel, that's so cute of you to take him in."

Mabel - "Okay, enough. Can we please start working today now?"

Dipper - "Okay, okay. You're right. We're sorry. No more messing around. Let's start work today. What do we have on the body, Tambs?"

Mabel - "Oh, shit."

Tambs - "Yeah. Burnt to a crisp."

Dipper - "Do you have any idea if it's a he or she yet?"

Tambry - "Not yet. But once I finally know, I'll call you let you know."

Dipper - "Okay. Thanks, Tambs."

Tambry - "You're welcome."

Steve Harrington/Mabel Pines - "Stable" - "Really Happy I Met You"Where stories live. Discover now