Chapter Two.

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November 10th, 1983.

4 days until the party.

Evan's eyelids gently lifted, and he gradually elevated himself from the bed. Leaving his room, he surveyed his surroundings.

"Is nobody home?" he wondered aloud, standing in the hallway.

He traveled the opulent interior of his families mansion, that unfolded with an air of grandeur and elegance. He walked down the majestic marble hall adorned with intricate chandeliers. Rich mahogany paneling lined the walls, perfecting the ornate ceiling decorations. Oversized windows allowed sunlight to dance across the polished floors.

Evan walked pass the forbidden basement entrance—which nobody dared to do so much as gaze upon. A nasty scent lingered from behind the locked door, adding a touch of timeless dread to the lavish surroundings.

Eventually, Evan reached Michael's room, and he cautiously creaked the door open. Observing an empty room—the only life inside being the terrifying, blood-colored mask that lay on his bed. With a sniffle, Evan began his journey to his sisters—Elizabeth—room.

Upon opening the door, he discovered her absence as well.

"I guess I'm home alone," he sighed, proceeding to the living room. As he approached the couch to sit down, a sudden surprise disrupted his plans.

"Boo!" Michael exclaimed, leaping from beneath the couch. The unexpected scare caused Evan to collapse, tears streaming down his face. Michael snorted, delivering a kick to Evan's back, prompting him to roll over and accidentally hit his head on the wall.

"Haha! Got ya, loser!" Michael taunted, tossing a pillow beside the weeping child.


Michael let out a yelp as he turned around slowly, locking gazes with a familiar figure sporting a mullet. "Oh... Father! How's your day going?" he attempted to play off nonchalantly.

William responded with a glare so sharp it could cut through a diamond.

"Look! Evan tripped over, um..." Michael glanced back at where the boy was now seated. Spotting a toy car on the ground, a wave of relief washed over him. "He tripped over that car! And... I threw the pillow at him because he scared me!"

William turned to Evan. "Evan?"

"Uh... Yeah. I tripped over the car... And, um... Sorry for scaring you, Mike..."

"See?" Michael grinned, pulling Evan into a tight embrace. "I would never do something so cruel! You know you're my favorite, Ev!" He chuckled, playfully kissing Evan's head.

A flicker of surprise crossed William's features but quickly disappeared into an eye roll. "Be at the restaurant in 30," he spoke in his usual stern tone as he turned around, heading outdoors.

"Damn it!" Michael shouted as he let go of Evan, rushing up to his bedroom. "I completely forgot..." He muttered to himself as he reached his room, slamming the door shut.

Evan let out a sigh as he followed his brother's footsteps. He walked through the eerily quiet hallway once again, briefly pausing in front of Elizabeth's room. The door was slightly ajar, revealing a figure inside. He pushed the door open fully, catching Elizabeth's attention, now dressed in a long, plush white towel.

"You're here?" he whispered, turning his statement into a question unconsciously.

"Yeah? I've been here the whole time," she laughed at his puzzled expression. "I was in Father's shower. Probably why you didn't hear it. Don't tell him, though," she added, seeing Evan gasp.

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