Chapter 12: Gaining Support

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Brandon parked his car and stepped out onto the driveway. A heavy silence hung in the air like a dense fog. He could feel the weight of his father's disapproval bearing down on him, casting a shadow over his every step. Ignoring the tension between them, Brandon walked right up to the door, his jaw locked in frustration.

Each footfall echoed loudly in the quiet afternoon, the sound reverberating through the stillness of the neighborhood. With every step, Brandon's mind was consumed by thoughts of the future he was forging for himself, independent of his father's expectations.

As he reached the porch, Brandon spared his dad a fleeting glance, their eyes meeting briefly in a silent exchange of unspoken words. There was pain etched in his father's features, frustration and concern that tugged at Brandon's heartstrings, but he couldn't allow himself to cave now, not after everything that's been put in place.

Without a word, Brandon pushed open the front door and ascended the staircase, the familiar creak of the old steps accompanying his ascent. His footsteps echoed hollowly in the narrow staircase, starkly contrasting the bustling warmth of family life he once knew years ago.

Reaching the landing, Brandon paused momentarily, his hand resting against the railing as he gathered his thoughts. His heart raced in his chest. He knew that it would only be a matter of moments before his dad would follow him back up the stairs. When it came to his "Christian" walk, there was no dropping the subject. It was discussed until it was "resolved," or at least resolved to his father's satisfaction.

With a steadying breath, Brandon continued to his room just around the corner. Brandon quickly closed the door. He leaned up against the door, exhausted from the drama he must endure to be with the woman he loved. He knew that once he crossed this threshold of standing up for himself. Not backing down once his dad confronts him again, there would be no turning back, no undoing the choices he had made. If he ever did talk to his dad about the relationship or the job not working out, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that his dad would pull the "I told you so" card. He had always thought he was right about everything.

Regaining focus, Brandon looked around his room, seeing his belongings scattered haphazardly about. With a heavy sigh, Brandon crossed the room and sank onto the edge of his bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight. He ran a hand through his tousled hair, his mind awash with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

Alone in his room's silence, Brandon allowed himself a moment of vulnerability, his shoulders slumping with the weight of his burdens. But even as doubt crept at the edges of his resolve, he knew deep down that he was on the right path, forging ahead into an uncertain future.

Knowing he hadn't much time left, Brandon got off his bed and began searching for his suitcase. His hands trembled with fear. He knew his dad also had a bad temper. He hadn't lashed out in a while, but Brandon knew he was still capable of it. Brandon knew he could handle it, but the last thing he wanted to do was end things with his dad in a fistfight or a screaming match. He hoped his dad would just accept the reality of the situation. 

Brandon moved quickly, grabbing clothes and essentials, his mind racing with thoughts about what could all happen. Every second that passed just made his heart race faster, and faster. He packed his computer, he had all of his code on it. It was all backed up in the cloud, but he knew keeping his laptop with him would give him a shot at doing so much more with his life.

With each item he packed, Brandon felt a surge of adrenaline, knowing that his decision to leave would irrevocably change his relationship with his father. Despite the turmoil in his heart, he knew he couldn't stay in a place where he felt suffocated and misunderstood.

Brandon could hear the footsteps approaching his door, each step sounded heavy. Brandon's pulse quickened, his stomach churning with anticipation. He knew the confrontation was inevitable and that his father would not let this go without a fight.

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