gotta get free

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"When I grew up, was gonna be a superstar." - Life Itself by Glass Animals

You stared at Ryan with a loving smile as she jumped up and down in excitement. You put the car in park, in your designated place in Tobin's driveway; behind Christen's car so Tobin could come and go freely without either of you needing to move.

You could hear Ryan scrambling to undo her seatbelt, then reach for the door.

"Don't even think about it." You warned as you grabbed your purse and turned off the car.

"But it's Mama's driveway!" Ryan whined, throwing her long arms into the cabin.

"Ry. What are the rules?" You turned around in your seat to look her in the eye.

You could tell she was trying not to roll her own, "Wait for an adult to open my door. No matter where we are. When can I sit in the front?"

You laughed, getting out of the car and coming around to open her door, "You just need to be a couple inches taller and a few pounds heavier. Don't worry, it probably won't be long knowing you. You grow like a weed."

"Because I'm long like Mama?!" Ryan hopped out of the car, bouncing on her feet.

You grimaced, remembering just difficult it was to push your long ass baby out of you seven years ago, "Yeah. Like your Mama."

Ryan skipped excitedly toward the front door. She didn't bother knocking, she knew the door was unlocked for her, so it was easy to let herself in. In her excitement she almost let the door close on your face.

You kept your eye roll to a minimum. It had been years since you had felt this excited to see Tobin of all people. Though, you knew Ryan's excitement was more akin to you seeing your own mother than anything else.

You stepped into the house, closing the door behind you. Ryan didn't bother kicking off her shoes like you did. As soon as she spotted Tobin standing in the doorway of her livingroom, that was a wrap.

Ryan ran full speed at Tobin. Tobin, who was used to this, braced herself for impact. She caught Ryan and swung her around to sit on her hip with a grunt of effort.

"Mama! Guess what! I made the big kid team!"

"That's amazing, little cub. I'm so proud of you." Tobin gave Ryan a congratulatory kiss on the cheek.

You and Christen developed congruent looks of disapproval. Though, for different reasons.

"Tobin. Stop picking her up, she's getting too big and if you keep picking her up, she's going to expect me to keep picking her up." You crossed your arms over your chest.

Christen sidled up next to you, her pose similar, "Babe. You're going to throw out your back."

Tobin and Ryan wore identical scowls. At times, it was freaky just how alike they looked. Quite frankly, it annoyed you. You were the one who carried her for nine months, and all she got from you was her hair texture and attitude.

Tobin hadn't done anything laborious but fuck you. The scarred over mark on your neck burned uncomfortably. You scratched at it subtly.

"You know, when we got divorced I was under the impression you wouldn't act like my wife anymore...and Chris, my back is fine." As if to prove her point, Tobin adjusted Ryan so she was on said back. Ryan just giggled.

You rolled your eyes harshly, "Whatever. Why didn't you tell me Alex lived here now?"

"Most people start conversations off with a 'Hi. How are you?'." Tobin said as she finally placed Ryan back onto the ground.

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