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FW: Crappy news cuz idk what news is like, a lot of complaining

"3rd of January, 11:34 PM. A massacre happened at a residence belonging to the renowned Kamo family. Tom, could you tell our watchers what exactly happened?"

"Sure, Mika. Last night, a large massacre took place at the Kamo residence, killing nearly half of its inhabitants. The others were either fatally wounded or mentally distraught. Only a few of the higher-ranking members survived with no injuries, including Madam Shikana Haru."

"That's right. Madame Haru has provided information to the police who noticed the massacre. She and her daughter, Oameke Haru, are currently resting temporarily at the Gojo residence, the closest available location. Do you remember who else is staying at the same place as them?"

"Most of them are the people who needed immediate attention, for I hear the wife of the family head, Aori Gojo, is rather skilled at tending to injuries. However, more notable people are Miss Kirai Yamazu, mentor to Suguru Geto, Yuuri Geto, and Jiyuu Geto. They came along with Madame Haru to provide information."

"Mhm! The cause of the massacre is currently being investigated, but rest assured that it will not happen again. Now, for the next news of the day—"

The television was switched off with an abrupt click of the controller. Jiyuu Kushimoto, 11, was lounging on the couch, looking bored out of her mind.

"The non-sorcerer news twists everything," she whined. "Sensei, couldn't we have just stayed at the Zen'in residence? There's one nearby, right?"

"You should feel lucky we didn't have to stay there," said Kirai Yamazu, 25. "I purposely requested that we stay here. You'll definitely want to get out once you get in," she added with a shudder.

"I visited them once last year," squeaked Oameke Haru, 12. "They're really awful. Please don't think about wanting to go there, Jiyuu-chan."

"Now now, don't go around judging people's opinions, Oameke. It's a bad habit," retorted Suguru Geto, 11.

"It's fine, Geto," sighed Jiyuu. "By the way, where's Yuuri?"

"I'm here, nee-san!" called Yuuri Kushimoto, 6, from the kitchen.

The five of them were staying at the Gojo residence for some time because the Kamo residence they were previously staying at was completely ruined. A huge massacre had taken place there, and the commotion was noticed by some non-sorcerer police officers on patrol. They immediately barged in and questioned them, but to their relief, Haru's mother came to their rescue.

She covered up the actual case easily with a few lies, and she was done. They were then forced to go to a reporting conference for more information. Kirai suggested that the remaining residents, who were still alive, be sent to different places. To her dismay, she was sent to the Gojo Clan. She didn't hate the entire clan, but she deeply disliked the young master—Satoru Gojo.

"They say it like we went willingly, but they practically forced us to go to that conference," complained Haru. "They didn't even mention half of what my mom said."

"Jujutsu exists to protect non-sorcerers," said Geto. "Not letting them know about us will protect them, and thank the news that they didn't say anything more."

"You always say that," snorted Haru.

"I'm sorry we had to change your surnames," said Kirai in an apologetic tone. "I was afraid more cursed spirits were after you, so I changed it to Geto in case any of them watch the news."

"It's alright," reassured Jiyuu. "It's for the best."

"True," said Haru.

The room went silent for a few moments. Yesterday, when Jiyuu and Kirai had finished talking, they returned to the auditorium. Due to the Scavenger's destructive flesh that had wrapped around the building, the roof had caved in. Although, the rescue team called by the police had already arrived, and all of the remaining survivors were evacuated from the ruined building. The corpses were left there to be buried under the rubble.

When the five of them regrouped, Kirai repeated the explanation to them. Although she missed out on some details on purpose, she forgot to tell Jiyuu that her powers would attract more curses. Because of that, her life was constantly on the line, so they had tried whatever they could to keep her presence a secret—at least for now.

"Everybody!" cried Yuuri from the kitchen. "I found cookies! Do you guys want some?"

"What?!" said Haru in surprise. "Aori-sama hid them because your sister kept eating them. How did she find them?"

"Must be cause she's bad at hiding things," chuckled Kirai. "Satoru also used to love stealing kikufuku, so she hid them. He found them in a heartbeat."

Jiyuu suddenly felt annoyed at the mention of the young master's name. She stood up. "I'm going. Do you guys want any? I'll help get them," she suggested.

"Sure," they all said in unison.

Jiyuu walked into the back of the living room. The Gojo residence was huge, and this wasn't their only living room, but it was one of the closest rooms to the main building, so there were lots of people coming to and fro all day. Although it kept some traditional aspects, it was still quite modern, which suited her taste well.

She stepped into the tiny kitchen. Immediately, a waft of sweet, buttery cookies filled her nose.

"Hi, nee-san!" said Yuuri happily. "The cookies are right on the table there!" she pointed to a small countertop in the middle of the small room. A box of packaged butter cookies was placed on top, tempting people to take one. Then she skipped back to the living room, in good spirits.

Jiyuu tread over the cold tiled floor towards the box of cookies. Humming softly, she grabbed four packets of cookies. As she was about to turn to leave, the fridge door was slammed shut behind her, and she jumped in surprise. She whirled around and found the person she least expected she'd see.

Standing there bent over, messy-haired, wide-eyed, and looking dumb, was Satoru Gojo. He was biting a kikufuku mochi between his teeth.

"Shit, I forgot you were here," he snivelled. His voice was muffled because of the mochi plugging his mouth.

"Why are you here?" asked Jiyuu, a faint vein pulsing in her temple. "Don't you have your own personal kitchen in the main building?"

He stood up straight and yanked the kikufuku out of his mouth. "The Zen'in clan is paying us a visit," he said. "Mom chased me out because I was still sleeping. The nearest place with food was here, so."

"You still haven't answered my question. What's wrong if the Zen'in clan is there?"

"A certain boy called Naoya Zen'in is there, and I don't want to see him."


"Do you have to question everything, chicken?" he sighed, rubbing his forehead and taking another bite of the kikufuku. "I don't like him. That's all. Even though I know the Zen'in Clan fucked him up, it doesn't mean he's a good person."

"Your mom lets you use vulgarities at this age?"

"Why should people care? I use it to vent my feelings, you know. Tons of people do it."

He took the last bite out of the kikufuku and swiped his powdery palm on the side of his baggy pants. Wiping his mouth on his sleeve, he turned to leave. "If you wanna know what he's like, try going to the Jujutsu party this weekend. I'll guarantee you a lifetime's worth of bad impressions."

"You are so unhygienic."

He snickered and strutted out of the kitchen, and Jiyuu in it, with nothing for her but more questions.

When she returned to the living room, Jiyuu passed out all the cookies to them and sat back down on the couch. Yuuri, Haru, and Geto were chatting.

"What's the Jujutsu party?" she asked, chomping on her buttered cookie.

Kirai raised an eyebrow. "How do you know about that?" she inquired.

"I met Gojo in the kitchen, and he said if I wanted to know how the Zen'in Clan is, I could go."

"The Jujutsu party is held only for the three head clans and important personnel, hun. I don't think you should go."

"Why not? I thought I was part of the Kamo Clan."

"Well, I suppose so. But only higher-ranking members of the clans are allowed to join, and that includes me, but I don't know about you. The heads were reluctant to even let you be a member."

"Is this a high-class banquet or something?"

"I guess."

"Then we should all go."

"Are you sure? I might not be able to convince them to let you go."

"Tell them it's for experience, sensei."

"Oh, fine," said Kirai with a sigh. "But don't get too close to the Zen'in Clan. They've got bad tricks up their sleeves."

"What are you guys discussing?" butted in Geto.

"The Jujutsu party," answered Kirai.

"Oh, I know about that!" exclaimed Haru. "I went there when I was a kid because my mom was going too. It's really fun, unless you count the Zen'in Clan and Gakuganji-sama.

"Who's Gaykijanjee?" asked Yuuri.

"Gakuganji, little lady. He's the principal of Kyoto Jujutsu High," explained Kirai. "He's pretty old, and he's been fussing since he turned 40. He's, what, 59 now?"

"He's sketchy," quipped Geto. "Personally, I respect him, but he's one of the higher-ups, and nearly nobody likes the higher-ups."

"I know that, but are you sure the little lady can go? She's really small," pointed out Kirai.

Yuuri's happy face turned into a sad pout. "But I want to go with nee-san and nii-san!" she babbled.

"It should be okay, right?" Jiyuu tried reasoning. "She's never been anywhere since we came into the Jujutsu society. She's really bored."

Kirai hesitated. "It's dangerous. We don't know someone might just kidnap her or something."

"I'll keep an eye on her," proposed a voice. Haru's mother strode in, looking weary and tired. "I don't have anything to do there. The Kamo Clan really just wants Oameke to go so they can show off, and I'm her mom, so I need to go anyway."

"Are you sure, Shikana?" asked Kirai.

"Of course."

"Yay!" said Yuuri happily. "Do we have to wear nice clothes?"

"We definitely need to, whether or not we like it," replied Shikana. On that field of information, go ahead and ask Oameke over there. She's skilled."

They all turned their heads towards Haru, who was flushing red as a tomato. "Mom..." she muttered.

Shikana grinned. "She's good at sewing, and her fashion sense is top-notch. Don't be shy, Meke."

Haru crossed her arms grumpily, still red. "You didn't have to put it like that."

"Let's keep that topic for later, shall we?" said Kirai. "We're going to use the training grounds here to train."

"Go easy on them, Yamazu," yawned Shikana, stretching her back. "You're monstrous, to be honest."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

At that moment, a Gojo Clan servant entered the room and bowed. "Miss Yamazu, the training grounds are prepared upon your request. You may use it whenever you wish."

"Thank you," said Kirai.

The servant bowed low again and left the room.

"Alright!" declared Kirai, clapping her hands to get attention. "Let's go check it out."

At once, the entire room went into an uproar.

"Sensei, my legs hurt," complained Geto, clutching his legs.

"My head hurts, Yamazu sensei!" added Haru, striking a dramatic pose.

"My eye is still sore," blabbered Jiyuu, pointing to her bandaged eye.

"Miss, I'm still hungry!" squeaked Yuuri, rubbing her stomach.

Shikana raised a lazy hand. "I want sleep, Yamazu," she droned.

"You stupid group of chimpanzees!" scolded Kirai. "You're not injured. We're getting out of this room whether you like it or not—except Shikana."

The four kids grumbled in frustration while Shikana gave a hearty laugh.

"You're so mean, sensei!" protested Jiyuu, flipping over onto her side so her back faced the room.

A/N: Argh...finally got to write a chapter without any tragedy!!! And, the one and only is backkkkkkk~~~!

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