21. Moh vs Aman

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Moh comes near to him and took his wet clothes and the towel and again leave the room. He puts them in the washing machine and comes back. Aman thanked him for his care and Moh replied that it's okay for him ask for favour, as he also need something from him in return. Aman knows what he wants, but he is not sure whether he should heal him or not.

Aman didn't realise that, Moh is wearing full clothes since he saw him in the bathroom. So he wouldn't be able to see his bare back which has burn marks. Moh leaves the room again and go into the kitchen.

Aman after seeing Moh leaves again, he start his search again and did whenever Moh leaves him alone. Moh comes back in few minutes from the kitchen with cutted fruits and warm water. He first give Aman a glass of warm water and than told him to eat fruits while he comes back from bathing.

Moh than leaves the room and enters in bathroom and start showering. Aman drink the warm water and put the fruits aside and start his search again. He searched the entire house, each room and thankfully he finds something. He finds a working phone in the bed's drawer in the bedroom.

He is now over the ninth cloud but that was not for longer. Moh opens the door and comes outside with his bare body, hiding his privacy with a towel on his waist. Aman runs back and took his seats. He put the phone in his pocket and took a fruit piece and gave it a bite.

Moh enters the room and saw Aman eating the fruits. He smiled at him but Aman didn't react. Moh opens one of the bag and took a pair of clothes and goes to the other room. He come back after changing his clothes. He is wearing formal shirt with pants, looks like he is going somewhere. Aman feels happy inside, as he now have chance to run away, and even if fails, he has phone to contact someone he knows like Nikhil.

Moh comb his hair and sits beside Aman. Aman moves a little to other side. Moh moves closer to him, staring at Aman and than drag the fruit plate to his side. He eats some pieces of fruits and smiles at Aman. Aman didn't knew why he is smiling so much. He neither able to hear his mind voices. He suspect Moh for having alter motives but he ignored that.

Moh after eating, stands up and told Aman to rest while he is going outside to get some things and medicine for him, as he has fever. Aman nodded his head. Moh goes to door and opens it while hiding the lock with his body from Aman. Aman did try to sneak at the lock but failed. As soon as Moh leaves, Aman stands up and looked at the lock to get some idea about the password but he didn't. He than take out the phone from his pocket and start recognising the Nikhil's number. He soon remembers that and called Nikhil. Someone picked the phone but Aman didn't wait for that, he start saying about his situation and his kidnapping and Moh without hearing form other side. Aman after finishing asked for the reply from other side but he hears a laugh from the other. He feels the sound familiar and than the house door opens. Aman looks at the door and hide the phone behind his back. He saw Moh coming back, laughing on phone and looking at Aman. Aman realise that all this is Moh's plan and he fall for it.

Moh enters the room while laughing and put down his phone from his ears. He took few steps closer to Aman and his smiling face is turning into a serious face. Aman soon, hide the phone behind his back and looked at Moh with fear in his eyes.

Moh stands still in front of Aman and looked into his eyes. Aman is looking into his eyes with anger and fear. Moh didn't liked that, he grabs Aman from his neck and push him towards the wall which is just behind Aman.

Aman's body hit hard the wall but Aman stand still straight. Moh's grip on his neck is not that great, which let him breathe properly. Moh bend down a little lower, so that his face is exactly infront of Aman. He is now in front of Aman, looking straight into his eyes. His eyes turned white but Aman knew that what will happen after that, so he closed his eyes immediately. Moh grabs his neck with more strength, making Aman gasp and open his eyes and mouth to breath.

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