Chapter 47

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Yeonjun was right, Taehyung found you at the library looking for something on the shelves. And he tiptoed towards you.

He stood behind you for a few moments but you didn't notice him as your eyes were sticked on the shelves looking for something on the top.

"Hey" Taehyung whispered to you on the ear making you jerk as you were concentrating on something else.

You instantly turn towards him with startled eyes. "Gosh you frightened me" you breathed out, you never expected to see Taehyung on the library.

"Sorry for that" he scratched his forehead with his index finger and looked at his shoes with a nervous smile on his face.

"You want to tell me something because you don't really come to the library" you asked him with curious eyes.

"Yes... Umm no" your frowned, Taehyung was acting bipolar. "I came here to see just, nothing much" he fiddled with his hands and you began to concentrate on what you were previously doing.

Taehyung stood behind you for a few minutes and then finally asked "You need any help"

"Geez, you won't be able to help me in the library. This place is out of your reach" you scoffed but Taehyung found it cute and his cheeks turned red.

You moved from one shelf to other looking for the thing you need and Taehyung was following you throughout the whole time but that didn't bother you. You were annoyed that you couldn't find the book you were looking and then suddenly someone held the book in front of you and your eyes shone.

You looked to see who it was and it was a boy who you haven't seen around much but somehow you thought you remember his face.

"You were looking for this right?" he smiled and Taehyung threw a glared at him which he didn't notice.

"Yes, thank you" you replied gladly but at the same time a question crossed your mind. "How do you know that I was looking for this?" you asked him with the smile on your face.

"Were you stalking her?" Taehyung suddenly fires a question which made both you and the boy in front uneasy.

But the boy completely ignores Taehyung and smiled at you. "Hi, I am Luca. I am in second year and I help in the library sometimes. I saw you with this book yesterday but you couldn't issue it because you forgot your membership card" he replied.

"Oh hi Luca, I am Y/N and thanks for the book" Taehyung was in the meantime glanced at both of you, he was clearly pissed off but didn't get any attention.

"You come here often, you love books?" Luca asked and to this you nodded.

"Yes I love reading" you replied smiling to him.

"Great me too" he chimed after you and Taehyung was ignored, he coughed and cleared his throat several times but didn't get attention.

After minutes of talking about books Luca finally asked "Have you heard about the prom?"

"Yes" you replied.

"Well actually, I don't have a date and I wonder if you are alone too, we can go together-"

He couldn't even finish what he had to say that Taehyung jumped on him from behind. He clutched on his collar and glared at him prepare to give a blow on his face with his fist.

"Who told you that she is alone? She is with me you get that? And if I see you bothering her in the future, I won't hesitate beating you up"

"Taehyung stop, what are you doing?!" you pulled Taehyung's arms and he finally let's go of Luca. "Are you crazy!?"

"Who are you going with? Me or him" Taehyung's angry expression dropped, he looked more emotional that time and you sighed.

You looked back at Luca who has fallen from the sky and nearly shook about what happened just.

"I am sorry Luca for what he did just now but I can't go with you, I am going with him"

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