Chapter 48

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"Why did you do that?!" you opened the door with a bang and stormed into your apartment with Taehyung running after you.

"He was flirting with you, what was I supposed to do? Wait and see?" Taehyung blatantly replied and you sighed.

"You were about to hit Luca" your voice was serious but Taehyung's stubborn ass was in no mood of accepting his fault.

Why do you care? You just met him today" he casually spoke as if hitting someone new was not a very big deal.

"But why would you choose violence?" you snapped and Taehyung clicked on his tongue.

"I didn't like his guts. And I was about to ask you out, who is he to interfere?" you crossed your arms at him and sighed, what else was left to say when Taehyung himself was not feeling guilty about his childish behavior.

"That was childish, I never knew you were the jealous type" Taehyung scoffed with hands dipped in his pocket.

"Well you know now" you raised your brows at him and watched him dropping his butt on the sofa with his same old bratty attitude.

"Why didn't you ask me out before Luca?" Taehyung searched for the remote under the cushion.

"Because I didn't get a chance" you sat beside him and he looked at you making a poker face.

"Oh really, for that you had to hit someone?" you raised your brows and Taehyung got annoyed.

"Why did you agree to go with me if you care so much about that nobody?" you sighed.

"Because I wanted to go with you there, Taehyung" Taehyung literally chocked. Your reply was like a sudden slap on his face which he was not expecting. He was dying for the moment when you will choose him but he didn't expect you to be so straight forward and right in his face.

"y-you wanted-"

"We are having dumplings for dinner" you cut Taehyung off and said something off stream while you got up and headed towards your room.

"Wait, where did that come from?" Taehyung turned around and saw you leaving with a weird expression on his face.

"Just go and change, I need help in the kitchen" you said and then slammed the door of your room.

Taehyung sighed, he was in a mood of watching TV, but he had to follow what you say so he moved his butt from the sofa and scooted towards his room while scratching the back of his neck and yawning.

He shut the door behind him and changed into his tees and sweats after freshening up, and went to the kitchen with lazy steps and found that you were already there before him, arranging the things.

You saw at him staring at you while scratching head. "Are you planning to stay there?" you kind of snapped him and he was by your side in the next moment like a good boy.

"Why are you being so feisty?" Taehyung commented and you gave him a look.

"I am just trying to teach you something" you indicated at the cooking stuff in front of you and Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"You know I am not good at it" he said and you crossed your arms.

"What's there to learn?" you raise your brows and Taehyung clicked on his tongue with a smirk on his face.

"Go on, I am following" he said with hands dipped in his sweat pants pockets.

"First we have to prepare a dough" you said while adding flour and measured water on a bowl.

Taehyung looked at the whole process with uninterest.

"Are you even listening?" you turned around to face him with arms crossed and back touching the kitchen slab.

Taehyung places both his hands on either side of you while a playful curve appears on his lips. He moves closer and you press hands on his chest creating a minimal distance.

Taehyung was in a mood to play around and you sighed. "Taehyung" you muttered and he shushes you.

"If you wanted to go with me to the prom then why didn't you say that earlier" he brushed his nose on your ears passing on a ticklish feeling and you clutched on his t-shirt.

"You told me that you are uninterested" you replied and he smiled.

"I could have managed if you wanted it" he said and wraped his hands around your waist and pulled you into a hug while digging his face on the crook of your neck.

"Taehyung" you muttered and Taehyung hummed in reply. "Did you date someone before me?"

"No" Taehyung instantly replied without taking time.

"Just asking, why?" you asked out of curiosity.

"Girls become too pushy in front of me, I don't like desperate people" he replied and you smiled. "You on the other hand hated my guts when we first met"

"Because you were a jerk in our first interaction" both of you giggled at this. "Do you feel bad for me dating someone else before you?"

"No, not at all. I have you now and it's more than enough" you smiled at this and moved your hands from his chest and wrapped them around his neck hugging him tighter than ever, eliminating all the free spaces between your bodies.

"I love you too" you giggle and look at his happy face, your face inches apart and that's when you decided to make the first move.

You crashed your lips on Taehyung's and kiss him but Taehyung was so startled for a moment that he forgets to kiss you back. His eyes were wide open and he looks at you like a surprised idiot.

You break the kiss and look at him with squinted eyes showing a dissapointed expression although deep inside you were laughing at his cuteness.

"You didn't kiss back" you acted annoyed and it took several minutes for Kim Dumbhyung to get out of the trance.

"I-..I" he stuttered and then slithered his hand around your neck to pull you closer to a kiss but you instantly place your hand between your lips and giggled.

"Sorry, you lost your chance. Try again later, Mr Kim V"

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