Answering some questions

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So, I'm gonna answer some questions asked by KorraStar2419

First is the WxS questions!

1) So my natural is black, but I dyed the bottom of my hair so it's a bit lighter than the roots. So the bottom has some blonde single hairs here and there, but it just looks brown (sometimes a few areas look red)

2) Dark brown, and I wear glasses!

3) Green, Pink, and Purple/Orange (I can't choose lmao)

4) Cats/Kitties, Bunnies, Fish, Birds, and Hamsters!

5) Indian Chicken Biriyani (Indian dish, utterly scrumptious), Pasta, Ice cream, Tiramisu Cake, and Chocolate Chip Cookies

6) Probably Percabeth (PJO)

7) Roblox!

8) Phone and Tablet (I play Minecraft on my switch)

9) If you ship WxS, then you have probably read the book made by Flare. I searched up "monster school" and saw that book, and at the time, I didn't ship it, but once I finished it, I did ship it

10) The Minecraft youtubers that were so popular like 6 years ago

11) I don't watch MCYTbers anymore, but I guess Skeppy and BBH

12) My Alexa

13) I wouldn't be a superhero, I would be a SUPERVILLAIN! But my name would probably be Queen Fae

14) This is hard for me 😭 I would love money, but I want a lover in my life so probably True Love

15) Water (Not that I'm complaining, but I forget to drink that stuff like everyday I bet I'm so dehydrated)


Now it's time for the other set of questions

1 - 5) Already answered

6) Octonauts, it's so nostalgic for me. And Bluey! I love that show!

7) My blanket

8) My 5th grade bully

9) One, an annoying but amazing little brother

10) Queen Fae 🍷

11) Bluey for sure!

12) Haven't watched either of those (Don't kill me please)

13) Youtube

14) Socksfor1, FatMemeGod, Remainings

15) Roblox and Minecraft

16) Probably Percy Jackson (THE TV SHOW)

17) I have none 😭 All my fish died

18) I currently have a pink bunny in my room that is probably as old as me, and a blue bunny in the stuffed animals storage box my parents kept in the garage

19) Poppy Playtime

20) Probably when I sprained my ankle (I never had many bad injuries only health stuff)

21) When my pet chicken in minecraft died :(


22) I don't think I ever cried during a cartoon

23) A laywer, but I doubt I'd become one

Now cya!

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