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  Dahlia walked towards Amirr and something about his posture had changed. He was relaxed and comfortable. He wanted to get out of there as soon as he could.

  "Manja juga kau ni eh?" He said.

  Dahlia shrugged her shoulders, "Bukan aku ok. Mak Bapak aku tu yang manja. Maklumlah, aku ni kan satu-satunya anak dorang."

  Her reply was friendly which surprised Amirr at how comfortable and confident she spoke. He wouldn't have taken her who was easily adaptable to new places. She noticed the different look of his face at her response.

  "Asal kau usha usha aku? Aku comfortable sangat ke?"

  "Takde. Takde pape," he replied. "Jom. Aku kene tunjuk kan kau satu sekolah ni."

  She nodded and followed along with Amirr. He talked about the classes and the culture here. Seeing how she was the only girl, it was definitely something that's drastically different for the boys. As they were walking through, Amirr cleared his throat.

  "Kau...Asal kau masuk sekolah ni? Macam mana dorang boleh bagi kau masuk sini? Setahu aku, awek mana boleh masuk sini."

  "Let me be the first then. Kenapa? Kau risaukan aku keee?" She teased.

  "Aku tak nak lah stereotype tapi ye aku takut untuk kau. Sekolah ni bukan apa yang kau fikirkan. Budak-budak yang kau nampak dalam kelas tu semua? Semua pailang kat sini," he said. Dahlia furrowed her brows and turned to look at him. "Kau Form 5 kan?"

  Dahlia nodded, "Tapi sekolah je kot. Aku dah pergi almost every school. Aku tahu je la sekolah ada je gang bergaduh."

  "Tak, Dahlia. Tradisi sekolah ni lain. Dia tak macam apa yang kau pernah go through. Kau form 5, kau kene jaga diri. Sini, kau kene ada lesen."

  "Lesen? Lesen apa gile? Lesen kereta?"

  "Tak, kau—"


  The two stopped conversing and turned to the culprit's voice. Her eyes widened.

"Akak janji akak akan datang balik kan? Akak takkan tinggalkan Naim kan?"

  "Akak sayangkan Naim. Akak akan pergi sekejap je. Skejap je. Nanti akak balik, kite boleh la main-main lagi."



She stammered and turned to Amirr. Seeing how they have arrived at her dorm, she quickly thanked the boy and rushed for her room. Amirr looked confused. He turned to his friend who sped past him and towards Dahlia. He would've stopped him if he wasn't curious about the two.

"Naim, kau nak pergi mana—"

"Kau balik dorm. Aku take over."

Dahlia hurriedly entered her room which the boy barged into before she could shut the door. They came face to face with each other. Dahlia looked up at the tall boy who was shorter than her a few years ago. She grew anxious.

It's been years since she last seen this boy. She knew she would meet him again one day but never this soon.

"Kak. Kakak buat apa dekat sini? Kakak kenapa tinggalkan Naim? Kakak dah janji dengan Naim. Kenapa kakak tinggalkan Naim? Kakak tahu tak mama cari akak? Kakak kata akak nak keluar cari Fakhri lepastu balik tapi kakak tak balik pun!"

My brother. Nor Naim Bin Firdaus Ismet. Hence, I am Nor Dahlia Binte Firdaus Ismet.

Dahlia stayed silent. It hurts her heart to see her brother all grown up and she missed all of it. It ached her heart to hear her brother's voice crack with his eyes watering.

I See You | Abdul Kahar - P. High CouncilWhere stories live. Discover now