DahliaDahlia has been recovering well in the past few days in the hospital. It was boring but she had to go through it. She wanted to be discharged as soon as possible but Ibu and Ayah insisted that she healed properly. The stitches on Dahlia's head were still fresh so she had to be careful.
"So how are you?"
"Bored. So fucking bored. I want to get out of here but they're not letting me," Dahlia complained.
"But at least kau boleh jalan-jalan dekat hospital ni kan?"
"Yes, Prakky tapi tetap bosan. Aku masuk bilik tu, tengok sama benda je. Main game kat handphone aku sampai aku dah max level dah."
Prakash had come to visit. He took some time to come to the hospital. Initially to visit Ayam but knowing how nice Dahlia was, he wanted to spare her a visit. She was appreciative of it.
The two were walking around the hospital. Prakash accompanied her to wherever their feet took them. She caught up with whatever that went on in school. She was well updated.
Naim had updated her that Mia has disappeared from KUDRAT. Dahlia knew. After all, she was the one who told Mia to leave Malaysia and head for London, where she belonged. To make use of her scholarship and not let it go to waste. Dahlia had to pretend that she didn't know. She didn't want to break the boy's heart.
Naim had also told her that he fought with Papa—defending Dahlia and himself—and would love to be in the comforts of Ibu and Ayah. He also mentioned that Mama would be divorcing their stepfather for reasons that neither of them knew. Naim wouldn't let Mama finish explaining herself because he believed that he didn't need to hear her excuses.
Dahlia was happy to welcome him, so were her parents. Once she gets discharged, she would definitely invite him over with open arms.
Lastly, he informed her that they would be going up to the courthouse for the reclamation of Fakhri. Dahlia would have been there if it wasn't for her getting hurt. It was to Mama's luck that she couldn't turn up. If she had, it was over for Mama.
"Kahar...has he come to visit?"
Dahlia shook her head, "No...Aku rasa dia takut nak berdepan dengan aku."
"Tapi bukan korang couple ke?"
She shrugged her shoulders, "We broke up."
"The day of Manifesto. The day I got hurt...in both ways possible. Mentally and physically," she laughed lightly.
"I'm sorry, Dahlia."
"Eh. Apa kau nak minta maaf? Bukan salah kau pun. Aku okay je," Dahlia assured. "The High Council boys ada la call sana sini. Zahrin. Ariz. Tanya khabar aku."
Prakash nodded. They sat down on a bench, in the garden of the hospital. Their eyes wandered to the different flowers planted on the ground. Patients walking around, accompanied by their nurses. Visitors catching up with each other.
Prakash turned to Dahlia, "Manifesto Naim dan Fakhri."
The girl immediately straightened up as her ears perked up at the topic.

I See You | Abdul Kahar - P. High Council
Fanfiction"I see you, Kahar. I see you." "Aku tak boleh kehilangan kau, Dahlia. Kau alasan aku untuk hidup." The story of a girl who transferred to an all-boys school, KUDRAT. Stories and traditions of the school unfolds before her eyes as she meets her l...