Days passed by and before they know it, semester break has started. Dahlia had been spending her time with Fakhri and Kahar separately. They both did hate each other's guts but they did have one thing in common. They loved Dahlia.When Dahlia was around with either one, they would send each other death glares. But neither Kahar nor Fakhri had a say in it. Kahar couldn't say anything because Fakhri is her brother. Fakhri couldn't say anything because he had only recently came into her life. She very well was capable of taking care of herself.
At times, Kahar would pull and drag her to sit with his boys—Hakeem, Zahrin and Fahmi. Other times, Fakhri and Ayam would drag her to sit together in the DM. Dahlia, however, would sit down with Naim and Amirr. She wanted to fix her relationship with Naim and she could tell he wanted to but something in him wasn't allowing him to agree. She knows it was because of the unknown truth of her disappearance.
For all he knows, she could be lying about her leaving to find Fakhri. Both Kahar and Fakhri could see her effort in trying to work things out, even Mia could see it but she refused to receive any assistance. It was her fight to resolve. There was a moment where Fakhri wanted to help her with Naim. It got him nothing but a major scolding from Dahlia. He couldn't get angry at her because she had reminded him over and over again that it wasn't his fight to resolve.
Fakhri and Dahlia were walking together to the parking lot. They talked a bit on what was coming after their semester break which was 'Kem Bulan Muda'. Only god knows what that shit is. All they know was that it was meant for the batch of Form 4s. She managed to find out some details on it from Hakeem but it wasn't much. Just that it was a tradition of Kudrat.
Dahlia stopped right before the parking lot came into view. Fakhri halted and turned to Dahlia.
"Dah la, kau pergi dulu. Mama ngan Naim dah tengah tunggu kau tu," Dahlia said, pointing to Mama and Naim who were standing by the car.
Fakhri frowned, "Abeh kau?"
"Aku tunggu untuk Ibu dan Ayah. Apape nanti kau call aku, ok? Kau ada kan phone number aku?"
Fakhri nodded.
"Ah okay la. Kita berjumpa lagi nanti kat Kem Bulan Muda."
Fakhri sighed and nodded, "Okay kak."
"Have fun kat sana," she smiled, ruffling the boy's head.
He reluctantly waved at her and turned, leaving Dahlia. Mama and Naim were about to leave when they saw Fakhri slowly walking towards them. Dahlia witnessed the smile on Mama's face when she saw Fakhri. Seeing her smile, her heart hurt. She felt unfair. Dahlia was happy for Fakhri and Naim but it just seemed unfair. Life was unfair towards her.
She sighed and continued to watch until she heard a loud stomp from closely behind her. She yelped in shock and immediately sheltered herself for protection from whatever it was. Then, she heard laughter. She furrowed her brows and turned around.
"Kahar!" She scolded, slapping his arm. "Kau takde keje lain ke?"
He laughed, "Sorry la. Aku gurau je." He leaned against the wall and stood next to the girl. "Kau okay tak? Fakhri balik ngan mama korang kan?"
Dahlia nodded, "Aku tengah tengok Fakhri tu. Dia nak je aku balik rumah mak aku ngan dia tapi aku tak boleh la jejak rumah tu. Diri aku sendiri tak benarkan aku."
"Hmm..faham," Kahar nodded knowingly.
"Abeh kau? Tak balik lagi?" Dahlia asked as she watched her biological family drive away.

I See You | Abdul Kahar - P. High Council
Fanfiction"I see you, Kahar. I see you." "Aku tak boleh kehilangan kau, Dahlia. Kau alasan aku untuk hidup." The story of a girl who transferred to an all-boys school, KUDRAT. Stories and traditions of the school unfolds before her eyes as she meets her l...