"Fakhri! Fakhri!" She called.He ignored her calls and continued speeding away from her. She ran after him and pulled his wrist to which he immediately jerked away.
"Kau kat sini. Fakhri. Akak tak tahu kau sekolah kat sini. N-Naim tak bilang yang kau sekolah dekat sini. Fakhri, kau pergi mana selama ni? Aku cari-cari kau, tak jumpa. Kau pergi mana? Kau dan Papa duduk mana? Papa sihat ke—"
"Eh bising la sial. Kau dari dulu sampai sekarang, tak berubah-rubah. Sama juga. Bising!" He yelled.
She gasped lightly, shocked by his sudden reaction. She stammered but he was quick to interrupt her.
"Kau ni siapa? Kau bukan kakak aku. Selama ni, kau tak pernah buat aku macam adik kau. Sekarang kau datang balik and label diri kau sebagai kakak aku. Sial ah."
"Fakhri, jangan lah buat akak macam gini. Please? Akak tak tahu apa salah akak buat dekat kau. Jangan la marah dengan aku macam gini," Dahlia pleaded. She took his hand. "Kalau akak salah, aku minta maaf. Tapi akak sumpah, aku dah cari kau merata-rata, aku tak dapat jumpa kau. Percaya la akak."
Fakhri gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw. Dahlia stepped up and wrapped her arms around the tall boy. She was once taller than both Naim and Fakhri but they have both grown up more than she had thought. Fakhri froze and for a split second, she felt him softened. She leaned her head against the boy's chest and hugged him tightly as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.
But it ended when Fakhri shoved her back. She flew against the wall, almost hitting her head. Without another word, he stomped away from her. She sighed and looked at her surroundings. Kahar was standing a few metres away from her, with his jaw clenched and fists by his sides.
She couldn't care less about his presence and walked away from the scene. She stomped towards her dormitory and slammed the door. She sat on her bed and began punching her pillow.
Naim ada kat sini. Adik pun dekat sini. Aku...Aku tak nak jumpe mama. Aku tak nak. I need to get out of here.
Kahar sat on his bed, in his dorm as his mind kept running about Fakhri and Dahlia. It has barely been a minute and he has spotted his sworn enemy hugging the new girl. He wasn't happy about it. He was agitated. He wanted to know what's behind Dahlia and the two brothers. How do they know each other?
He was alone in his dormitory when Hakeem rushed in. It alerted Kahar and he knew Hakeem might have found something on Dahlia. Hakeem could be a private investigator if he wanted to because he never knew how he's able to find history of others.
"Kau takkan percaya apa yang aku jumpa pasal Dahlia. Ni gempak doh."
Kahar nodded his head as a gesture for Hakeem to explain more. Hakeem sat on his bed and pulled out his phone. He clicked on a few buttons and showed it to his Kapla. It was a video of a girl, in a fist fight brawl with a group of people—4 boys and 3 girls. That isn't an easy fight.
It was clear that she was alone in this fight because the boys were next to the 3 girls. It started with Dahlia giving one of the girls a loud slap. Kahar couldn't help but to cringe lightly because it sounded painful. The boys squared up to the girl and began attacking her. They threw punches and kicks but she easily avoided them.
That was until one of the boys punched her in the chest and it threw her back. Kahar could tell that it hurt her but instead of reacting to the pain, she started laughing. Kahar furrowed his brows and continued watching the video, confused by her actions.

I See You | Abdul Kahar - P. High Council
Fanfiction"I see you, Kahar. I see you." "Aku tak boleh kehilangan kau, Dahlia. Kau alasan aku untuk hidup." The story of a girl who transferred to an all-boys school, KUDRAT. Stories and traditions of the school unfolds before her eyes as she meets her l...