Chapter 1

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What a beautiful view. Deerthroat idly cleaned her paws after a day's work, the sun setting behind a sheet of clouds and the first members of StarClan appearing in the sky. Her whiskers twitched in acknowledgment at the settling of a cat beside her, putting her paw down to pause her grooming.

"Hey, Deerthroat. How has your day gone?" the tortoiseshell tom meowed, watching the sun's descent.

     "Same as usual, Mallardcall. We had quite the successful hunting trip by the pond, though." Deethroat slightly turned her head towards her clanmate, "How's being a mentor going, I've always wanted to know."

      "Stoatpaw's quite the pawful. All I can do is pray to StarClan that she'll mellow out when she's older," The tom let out a small sigh. "Atleast the day is finally over." Deerthroat nodded at his response, turning her head toward the darkening sky.

"I hope that when I have an apprentice they won't be as difficult as yours. Perhaps Bisonkit, he doesn't seem like that much trouble," Deerthroat cracked a small smile, as the camp descended into darkness, the slightest hint of the sun having dissapeared.

"I'd better get to sleep now, I'm not sure if I could keep up with Stoatpaw's antics otherwise," Mallardcall got up, glancing towards the brown molly. "Shouldn't you be going to sleep as well?"

"Oh, I'm not tired just yet. StarClan looks beautiful tonight, too, so I think I'll stay out here for some more time before going to my nest." She blinked, her amber eyes adjusting to the change of lighting. Mallardcall simply nodded in response and padded into the warrior's den.

Deerthroat brought her gaze up at the many constellations made by the members of StarClan, decorating the sky in a dance of light. StarClan, why was it Elkpaw who had to be the special one? Why couldn't it have been me?

The brown cat looked up at the dazzling display, before sighing and silently sneaking towards her nest, dropping in and laying her head down, her paws tucked underneath her as she relaxed into her nest, hoping that maybe StarClan would give her something special when she woke up.

Either that or her sister quitting medicine cat training.

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