Chapter 3

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      Deerthroat looked at the direction the voice was coming from. Great. Elkpaw. "What do you want." Deerthroat asked, hostility creeping into her voice.

"Oh! I just wanted to talk but... I guess you're busy right now. I'll see you later..!" Elkpaw had a hint of disappointment flash across her eyes, turning away and heading towards the fresh-kill pile. She turned her gaze back towards the other cats.

"What was that about..?" Acornfall said in a lower voice, shifting his head closer towards Deerthroat, who shuffled back in return.

"Nothing that I want to talk about," the brown molly said simply, her fur refusing to lay flat at the hint at Elkpaw, "Just eat."

"Okay then..." Acornfall awkwardly returned to eating, and before she could as well a different voice called her over.

"I have to go." the amber-eyed she-cat got up neatly, preparing herself for the scolding she was going to get. She approached her mother, who signalled her to follow her out of camp. She obliged, sitting down as neatly as she got up the second she got out of camp, refusing to move any further. Seeing this, her mother sighed and sat down in front of her.

"What did Elkpaw ever do for you to treat her so horribly?" the queen asked, the fur on her back standing up in hostility, "She has only ever been nice to you!"

"Well maybe I would treat her better if your attention wasn't always on her, mother," Deerthroat stared at Yarrowleap, her usually calm gaze prickling with aggression, "Would you be so doting to an apprentice who hasn't been able to graduate for 17 moons if they weren't a medicine cat apprentice?"

      "How long it takes doesn't matter if she was chosen by StarClan! Along with the fact that you should respect her due to her position, she is your sister, so act like it." The brown she-cat hissed towards Deerthroat.

      "Maybe I would act more like she is my sister, if you acted more like we're equals. It's always 'Elkpaw' this and 'Elkpaw' that. I passed my assessment with flying colours, yet you still never pay any attention to me." Deerthroat turned, her tail lashing, in order to leave before her mother could say anything else. She padded through the camp entrance and into the warriors den, allowing Acornfall and Squirrelclaw the pleasure of eating together. She practically collapsed onto her nest, curling up with her tail over her snout. The sun-high heat was making her drowsy anyways, similar to a most of the other cats in camp, who were lazing in the shade or chatting with friends.

She decided to wait until she and her pelt cooled down before exiting again to grab a different meal from the fresh-kill pile. That would be better for everyone anyway, wouldn't want to get in trouble with anyone other than mother.


Happy Easter everyone! I'm sorry I couldn't get this out sooner or if it feels rushed, I had to go to my nana's for Easter. Until next chapter!

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