Chapter 4

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      Deerthroat crept gently across the cool forest floor, a shrew a few tail lengths away. She bunched up her hind legs and pounced onto the small prey animal, the taste of prey-blood being bathed across her tongue. She dug a hole, placing the prey into it for later.

      "Deerthroat, hurry up!" Goosetail called over to her, the tom so far away she couldn't see a hint of his black fur.

"Give me a second!" She yowled just loudly enough for him to hear. She turned around, heading towards her clanmate's call. She let out a quiet yelp as her paw made contact with something that didn't feel like rock. She looked down, slightly jumping back in surprise at the sight in front of her. That being the two skulls of some sort of ungulate, probably a deer or elk. She snapped out of the trance she didn't know she was in at the second calling of her name, leading to her breaking her gaze and padding away from the remains. Oh my StarClan those look creepy. "What?" The brown molly asked, masking the annoyance that she never let plague her face.
"I found this big carcass of a pronghorn. I'm surprised it got taken down."

"So?" Deerthroat eyed him expectantly.

"It seems the coyotes managed to find it before we did, we need to go report it before we lose an apprentice," Deerthroat sighed at his response.

"Give me a second." Deerthroat started to turn around, "I just need time to go grab a shrew that I caught." Goosetail nodded.

"Make it quick."

Deerthroat hurriedly stalked through the forest, quickly finding where she hid the shrew and then returning with it to Goosetail, "Okay, we can go now."

"Oh my StarClan that felt like it took a moon for you to come back." Goosetail grumbled, turning into the opposite direction, "Come on now."

"Coming, coming." Deerthroat matched the black tom's pace, eventually reaching camp, "You go speak with the leader, I need to go rest." The tom nodded and approached the leader's den, his dark fur disappearing from view. Meanwhile, Deerthroat curled up in her nest, trying to shake the feeling of sickness that had taken after her once she saw those weird skulls. It had actually gotten worse when she entered camp. Even so, she would rather suffer alone rather than be in the medicine den with Elkpaw. Eventually she decided to try and sleep the feeling off, and although it was difficult, she eventually drifted off.

|| AN ||

Sorry for being inactive, I've had lots of family troubles and school's been difficult. I would've made this weeks ago, but I was on vacation and couldn't log into my Wattpad account.

See you next chapter!

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