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Waking into my loft, my phone rang. I answered it, "Hello?"

"Hey Lina! I'm in Chicago! I just landed like two minutes ago. I'm waiting for my car, how's it going?" My best friend Nicole said through the phone.

"It's good, I got a job!" I said really excited to hear from her.

"Already? It's only been three days!"

"I know but I looked for places yesterday and got lucky today. When are you coming over?" I asked.

"As soon as I get my stuff to my apartment," she said.

"Okay, text me when you're on your way over here," I said.

"I will, I'll see you later okay?"

"Okay, bye," I answered before hanging up and putting my things down on the kitchen bar.

I threw my shoes off and headed upstairs to unpack the things in my bedroom. I turned on the light and started taking out my Christmas lights that I always put up in my room even if it wasn't Christmas. I also took out my family photos and started taping them on the walls. I heard the intercom make a loud noise so I ran down the stairs and pressed the talk button, "Who is it?"

"Delivery for Alina Ozera?"

"Yeah, come on up," I said pressing the door button.

I waited and a few minutes later two men came knocking at my door with two large boxes. I opened the door and asked them to set the boxes in the living room. I signed the paper and gave them a tip before they left.

The storage units that I ordered online were here, now I just had to build them and put them in their places.

I decided to wait for Nicole so she could help me. I still had a month before classes started at Columbia College. Nicole and I were both attending now but she was majoring in multimedia journalism, magazine and I was majoring in photography. She's the apartment kind of girl and I was willing to let her move in with me but I wanted a loft not an apartment.

Time to get started on getting the parts of the storage units out of their box. One of the pair of drawers was for my bedroom area and the other was for the living area. I carried the box upstairs careful to not drop it on my toes or over the hand rail.

After the umpteenth try at puting the drawers together, I gave up and waited for Nicole. I fell onto the couch and turned the TV on. My parents paid for a man to come set up my TV. The movers brought my couch up, the large bookshelf, mattress and also the bed frame I had yet to put together. My front door neighbor was nice enough to help me carry my desk up. It was all way too much but I got it done in three days so I felt pretty accomplished. The people here were nice I guess.

My phone dinged so I looked at the screen and saw an email from Myra Gonzalez that read:
Hey Alina, here's Mr. Bieber's 'rules':

Eight AM to Three PM on a regular day. Mr. Bieber has the authority to change your schedule around. Be punctual. Lunch is at Eleven ends at Twelve.

Monday through Friday and sometimes Saturday's depending on the amount of work.

Mr. Bieber will leave your daily tasks on your desk every morning. If you don't finish you will take the work home with you.

All supplies needed will be appointed to you.

A parking pass will be given to you, you will park at the mayflower parking structure everyday.

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