Ash's lost father part 1

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In a wonderful place located in the kanto region, there is a small town called Pallet Town. In the backyard of his house, Ash Ketchum was celebrating his 15th birthday with his boyfriend Goh, and his female companions Misty, May, Dawn, Iris, Serena, Bonnie, Lillie, Mallow, Lana and Chloe. 

Ash's male friends were also there such as Brock, Tracey, Cilian, Cleamont, Kiawe, Sophocles and Gladion. "Happy Birthday Ash," Goh said, kissing his boyfriend on the lips. "Thanks Goh," Ash smiled, giving Goh a hug. "Happy birthday son," Delia Ketchum said. 

Soon, they were enjoying the party when a giant meowth balloon appeared in the sky.

"Prepare for trouble!"

"And make it double!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To unite all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"



"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

"Meowth, that's right!"


"Back to your pokeball!"

Ash and his friends sighed. When will they give up? "Pikachu use-" Ash was interrupted as he and Pikachu were lifted upwards in a net. "We've captured Pikachu!" Jessie cheered. "And the twerp," Meowth said. 

"No wonder it is so heavy," James replied. "ASH!" shouted his friends from below. "Jessie, what should we do?" James asked. "Let's take him to the boss," Jessie replied. Everyone nodded at the proposal and went away with their meowth balloon...

Jessie, James and Meowth bound Ash's hands behind his back and put Pikachu in a cage. The balloon landed as Jessie forced Ash into Team Rocket's HQ underneath the game corner in Celadon City. 

Jessie, James and Meowth shoved Ash into an elevator and got in themselves. After getting out, Ash saw a man with brown hair, an orange suit and a red tie. There was a Persian sitting beside him. 

"So you caught a pikachu?" Giovanni asked. "Yes sir," Jessie said. "And we also got the twerp who has been ruining our plans for years," Giovanni looked at the tied up boy in front of him. "So you're saying a little boy stopped all my plans," Giovanni said.

"Yes sir!" Meowth replied. Ash was about to speak when James put his hand over Ash's mouth. "So you're a stubborn little boy," Giovanni smiled. "Take him to the dungeon and get out of my sight," 

"Yes sir," Jessie said, leading Ash away. "What about the Pikachu?" Meowth asked. "I'll keep it here for now," Giovanni said. Meowth nodded, he and James scampering after Jessie. Giovanni Put Pikachu's cage beside him and went onto his computer.

"His name was Ash Ketchum," Giovanni muttered, searching him up on the internet. It came up with all the leagues he's been in, the regions he's travelled to, the missions he had ruined for Team Rocket and what pokemon he had. 

What Giovanni was most interested in was the boy's mother. Her name sounded so familiar. Delia Ketchum... Delia Ketchum... 

"No, it can't be!" Giovanni said, rummaging through a photo album and pulling out a photo. In the picture was a younger Giovanni standing beside a meowth and a woman with red hair. Could Ketchum's mother be his lost girlfriend? That must mean...

Giovanni is Ash's father. 

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