Ash's lost father part 3

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After breakfast the next morning, Giovanni sat in his office as he watched his son on the security cameras. His son just lost in poker to a Pikachu, a pokemon for Arceus's sake! Then Giovanni saw a sight he never wanted to see. One of his men entered the room without permission...

Ash and Pikachu turned to the man who just entered the room. "Who are you?" Ash asked. "I am Charles," the man said. "But that is none of your concern twerp," Charles grabbed Ash and pinned his arms behind his back. 

"Let me go!" Ash screamed. Pikachu leapt at Charles who quickly knocked the electric rat unconscious. "Pikachu!" Ash cried as he looked at Pikachu. "Shut up brat!" Charles hissed, placing a strip of duct tape over Ash's mouth.

Charles then tied Ash's hands behind his back before forcing the boy to kneel in front of a large bucket of water. "This is what happens when you mess with Team Rocket," Charles said, forcing Ash's face into the water.

Ash struggled to come up for oxygen but the tape over his mouth prevented him from screaming as water flooded into his nostrils. Suddenly, Giovanni entered the room and tackled Charles, knocking him to the floor. Giovanni then turned his attention to Ash, removing the bonds and gag from his son's body.

"Charles..." Giovanni said. "You're fired," 

"B-but boss," Charles said. "What is wrong with you!" Giovanni screamed. "Why would you try to murder a child!" 

"This brat ruined all of our plans," Charles said. "He deserves to be punished,"

"You're a monster," Giovanni said. "Clear out your things and leave the premises immediately," Charles nodded, scampering off. "I'm sorry my son," Giovanni whispered as he sat beside Ash's unconscious body. 

Giovanni then placed Ash on the bed and put Pikachu beside him before leaving the room...

A few hours later, Ash woke up on his bed. Looking around the room, he saw Pikachu sleeping beside him. "He's so cute when he's asleep," Ash muttered. A knock on the door interrupted him and he opened it. 

"Hi sir," Ash said, looking up at Giovanni. "Ash," Giovanni began. "I'm really sorry for what Charles did to you. I promise I had nothing to do with it," Ash smiled. "Thank you for apologizing sir," he said. "But what happened to Charles?"

"Oh, I fired him," Giovanni replied. "Team Rocket may be a criminal organization but we don't hurt or murder anyone," Ash nodded. "Goodnight sir," Giovanni smiled. "Goodnight Ash,"

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