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🍁Context and Past🍁

From when Talia and Jude first met at the age of 4 they got on like a house on fire.

Talia's younger brother Archie and Jobe grew up best friends as Talia and Jude grew up as best friends.

Talia's family supported Aston Villa and Jude's supported Birmingham so when Jude and Jobe got into the Birmingham football academy it was clear the football rivalry would be apart of their friendships.

Aston Villa were the better team but of course Jude, Ariana and Jobe would never admit it to Talia and Archie no matter how many stats they bought up.

Talia, Jude, Jobe, Ariana and Archie all grew up together, they went to Aston Villa games, Birmingham City games and plenty of derby's which ended in many arguments between the group,

As they all went to the same school Jude always felt protective over Talia, he'd always make sure no one was bullying her and he'd always make sure she was okay. Jobe, Ariana and Archie always made sure she was okay as well but never to the extent Jude did.

Jude and Talia were just 16 when Jude made his debut for Birmingham's first team which both the family's went to,

Of course Talia had been to multiple of Jude's games but this was different, this was the first team,
she sat in awe as she watched her best friend make his dreams come true.

Talia also had dreams of her own, she had been dancing ever since she could walk, Jude had always supported her dancing, he even used to help her choreograph, obviously he wasn't good at it but it always put a smile on her face to know that they were each others biggest supporters,

Everything felt perfect between the group, Talia felt like nothing could break her and Jude's friendship,

When they were just 12, they had made each other matching bracelets with both their initials on, when exchanging the bracelets they made a promise to each other,

"Promise no matter what, we will always be best friends"

and that promise was stuck too.

until the age of 17 when Jude had transferred to Dortmund,

Jude had told Talia their friendship would not change and she believed him, which was her first mistake.

within the first few months Jude spoke to her and they carried on like usual,

however Jude got more and more famous, and the more famous he got, the more he forgot about his best friend,

Talia would call him, but no answer,
she'd text him and he still wouldn't answer,

one day she checked his instagram to see he wasn't even following her anymore,

He'd got so Lost in the fame he'd forgotten who his real and biggest supporter was....

Message from the authors

First chap should be up and running soon! In the meantime, don't forget to comment and vote!!
(otherwise jude is getting sent to play for al nassr)

Lost in the fame ~ Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now