Chapter two

210 16 65

21st March

Talia's pov

Today was the day I had to go to the stupid dinner with the Bellinghams. Apart from Jude I loved the Bellinghams, I honestly did. Denise was like a second mother to me, Mark was one of the funniest people I'd met, Jobe was like my little brother and Ariana was like my older sister but now one of my really good friends.

It was Jude who was the issue. If the lunch had been at any other time of the year, he wouldn't have been there and I would have actually had a really good time. But no. Of course it was planned during international break so he'd be able to attend as well. Me and him had been so close once upon a time. He was one of my closest and bestest friends until fame got to his head and he broke off all contact with me. I understood initially that he was more busy now and moving to another country was difficult and that he was under a lot of pressure but unfollowing me and ghosting me? That was unnecessary and he could have put in some sort of effort but he didn't bother once, i think i would have preferred if he had the balls to tell me he didn't want contact with me anymore.

Knowing I would have to see Jude again today pissed me off. It was a waste of my time but at least I'd have Ariana and I'd get to see the rest of the Bellinghams as it had been a while.


Siblings + Jude's fan

Talia (Jude's #1 fan)

Oakley (lando's bsf)

Clara (sanch obsessed 🙄)

Leilani (in love with kobbie)

jude's #1 fan
why tf am i saved as
j*de's #1 fan?!!?
i'm his biggest enemy tf
someone save me
i have to go dinner with him

in love with kobbie
you enjoy that xx

jude's #1 fan
lani stfu
before i tell kobbie you
love him

in love with kobbie
well that wud be lying
bc i don't love him

lando's bsf
okay but speaking of names
who tf saved me as
lando's bsf??
he makes me want to plunge myself into a pool of acid 🙄🙄

in love with kobbie
did you save us all with the person
we hate the most

sanch obsessed 🙄
i have to go!!
enjoy your dinner xx

jude's #1 fan
so it was clara
also i have like hoursss
until the dinner so
does anyone wanna come
over and hang out with me?

lando's bsf
well i'm in fucking liverpool mate
don't think that's possible

sanch obsessed 🙄
and i'm in manny sooo...

in love with kobbie
i'm supposed to be at training

lando's bsf
well why aren't you at training then

in love with kobbie
got stuck in traffic and traffic pisses
me off so i just gave up and drove
back home 😁😁

lando's bsf

Lost in the fame ~ Jude Bellinghamحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن