Chapter five

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23rd March

Talia's pov

Today is Leilani's birthday and the England vs Brazil game which I somehow managed to convince everyone to go to so the plan is to go to the match and then go to a club afterwards to celebrate Leilani's birthday with everyone else.

We spent the night in a hotel up in London and me, Clara and Oakley are currently heading to Leilani's hotel room to wake her up by singing her happy birthday.

"She's not gonna like this," Clara said as we walked down the hallway. "She's not a morning person at all."
"True but she better appreciate it. At least we're bothering to remember her birthday." Oakley replied.

We arrived outside her hotel room and Oakley banged her fist against the door.

"Who is it?" Leilani's muffled voice grumbled.

"Open the door." Oakley replied.
"I don't want to." Leilani mumbled before there was a moment of silence.

"Well at least we tried." Oakley said with a shrug before heading back down the hallway.
"Come back here you muppet." I said with a laugh whilst Clara banged on the door again.

"Clara! You're gonna wake her neighbours up!" I said with a hiss.
"Nothing wrong with being up early." Clara replied.

Leilani's pov

I woke up to loud banging on my door and someone yelling my name telling me to open the door.

Whoever this is, is so dead. I thought to myself as I got out of bed and made my way to the door.

"What the fuck do you-" I began as I opened my door to be met with the sound of screechy singing coming from in front of me.


"Aww thanks guys." I said with a smile as I hugged Clara, Talia and Oakley each in turn.
"We'll do gifts and stuff later on but you need to get ready to go now." Talia said.
"Go where?" I replied, still not fully awake.
"The match..." Clara said.
"Oh. That. Do I have to?"
"Yes." Oakley said as she rolled her eyes at me.
"Um excuse you." I said to her as I playfully pushed her.

"Right well we'll meet you in the hotel lobby in an hour?" Talia said.
"Yepp." I replied before shutting my door and heading to the bathroom to get ready.

Talia's pov

An hour later me and Oakley headed down to the hotel lobby to meet Leilani. Clara had gone ahead to start the car. We came out of the lift to see her stood near the front desk with her back turned to us.

"Leilani!" I called.

She turned around and headed towards us giving us a quick wave.

"How does it feel to be 19?" I asked her.
"The exact same as 18." She replied with a smile.
I laughed at her reply as we made our way over to the car.

The ride was quite short and soon enough we were at the stadium.

We met up with Valerie, Ariana and Sakina and just as we were going to go in we heard someone call Clara's name.

Lost in the fame ~ Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now