27- Comforting and how about a date

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 YUVI: [Softly] Riddhima, what's wrong? What happened?

[Riddhima looks up at him, tears streaming down her face. She's visibly shaken and struggles to find the words to explain.]

Riddhima: [Choking back sobs] I... I don't know... everything just feels... overwhelming.

[Yuvi gently takes her trembling hands in his, offering comfort and support.]

Yuvi: [With reassuring warmth] It's okay, Riddhima. You don't have to have it all figured out right now. You're allowed to feel overwhelmed. I'm here for you, no matter what.

[Riddhima looks into Yuvi's eyes, finding solace in his unwavering presence. She leans into his embrace, seeking refuge from the storm of emotions.]

Riddhima: [Voice quivering] I just feel like I'm failing... as a wife, as a sister, as a mother... I don't know if I can keep it all together anymore.

[Yuvi's heart aches at the pain in her voice. He holds her closer, wanting to shield her from the weight of her fears.]

Yuvi: [Tenderly] Riddhima, you are not failing. You are strong, resilient, and capable of more than you realize. We're in this together, remember? You don't have to carry the burden alone.

[He gently brushes away her tears, his touch a soothing balm to her wounded spirit.]

Yuvi: [Continuing] You are an amazing wife, an incredible mother, and the love of my life. And no matter what challenges come our way, I will always be here to lift you, to support you, and to remind you of the incredible woman you are.

[Riddhima's tears begin to subside, replaced by a sense of peace and gratitude for the man kneeling before her, offering her unconditional love and acceptance.]

Riddhima: [Whispering] Thank you, Yuvi. I don't know what I would do without you.

[Yuvi smiles softly, his heart overflowing with love for his wife. He presses a gentle kiss to her forehead, silently promising to be her rock through every storm.]

Yuvi: [With all the love in his heart] You'll never have to find out, Riddhima. I'm right here, always.

[They share a tender moment, finding comfort and strength in each other's arms as they weather the storm together, united in love and unwavering support.]

Time skip 

Next morning 

The living room is dimly lit, and we see couples doing some work 

Yuvi: [Grinning mischievously] Hey there, gorgeous. Are you made of copper and tellurium?

Riddhima: [Chuckling] Copper and tellurium? Why do you ask?

Yuvi: Because you're Cu-Te. And tonight, I want to take you out on a date that's as cute as you are.

Riddhima: [Laughing] Oh, Yuvi, you and your pickup lines never fail to make me smile.

Yuvi: [Leaning in closer, his eyes sparkling with excitement] Well, get ready to smile even more because tonight, my dear, I'm planning a date that'll sweep you off your feet.

Riddhima: [Raising an eyebrow teasingly] Oh? And what kind of date are we talking about here?

Yuvi: [Grinning] Let's just say it involves candlelit dinners, stargazing, and getting lost in each other's eyes.

Riddhima: [Feigning surprise] Wow, you're pulling out all the stops tonight, aren't you?

Yuvi: [Nodding eagerly] You bet I am! Because every moment with you is precious, and I want tonight to be unforgettable.

Riddhima: [Smiling affectionately] Well, in that case, how can I say no to a date with the king of cheesy pickup lines?

Yuvi: [Pretending to be offended] Hey, now, those pickup lines are part of my charm!

Riddhima: [Giggling] Oh, I know, and that's why I love [Stops herself}

Yuvi-that's why what Riddhima ok leave it come here [in mind-i know you love me but still scared to show that because of your past dont worry i love you and i will confess it agian and this time you will sa yes for sure my love}

[Yuvi wraps his arms aroundRiddhima, pulling her close as they share a tender moment together, filled with love and laughter.]

Jack: [Whispering in her ear] Get ready for a night filled with romance, laughter, and maybe even a few more cheesy pickup lines.

Riddhima: [Resting her head on his shoulder] I can't wait.


date option you choose 

Go on a Road Trip

Outdoor Adventure

Private Boat Ride

Dancing Under the Moonlight

Hot Air Balloon Ride

private Movie Night Under the Stars

Candlelit Dinner at Home

Sunset Beach Picnic


word -723

stay happy and safe and live your life to the fullest 

love you 

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RIANSH[THE MYSTERIOUS MR.STRANGE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora