The Exam

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Omniscient narrator

Ash sat next to her brothers at the quiet and dark conference room in which a teacher was going to present to them the dynamic of the test as well as they had already given the students some ID's which contained the training field in which each would present the test and general information about themselves.

Carl was the first to notice how they would have to present the test alone, as the academy had separated and putted them into different training fields. The black-haired girl couldn't help but to consider the many possibilities of what might happen during the exam while also checking on the brochure they gave them at the entrance. They were going to face robots and apparently, depending on the type of robot, it might give you points or not, just like a video game.

At that moment, Present Mic, the voice hero, entered to stage and its lights illuminated his presence. The characteristic eccentric and energetic attitude of the hero made noticeable his presence there right away, make him try to transmit that good energy towards the students which, causing the quite opposite effect, just managed to make the atmosphere awkward and uncomfortable.

He explained just what Ash had already inferred from the brochure while the green-haired boy from before kept murmuring not understandable sentences for any human being around him. Not even Ashley with her hyper sensitive hearing managed to understand him. For her and for others it was like the buzzing of a mosquito at the middle of the night that kept flying around their sleepy bodies. Fortunately, a blue-haired boy from a few seats ahead, stud up to ask about the 0 point robots and to finally kill that annoying mosquito, shutting down the boy. Clearly, Ash couldn't help but to try to hold a chuckle, not being successful at all, making the blue-haired boy scold her because of not taking seriously the situation, which gave Mike the perfect opportunity to mock about her.




The red-wine eyed girl got into the bus that would take her to the A training field, not before wishing luck to her brothers. Coincidentally, the blonde haired boy shared training field with her and other many students. Yet, the two of them were too focused on themselves and the test upon of them that they barely noticed weather if the students around them had strong quirks or not.




The wind blew on her face while she tied her black hair into a ponytail, as her red-wine gaze stared deep into the giant door ahead of her while preparing mentally for what was about to come.

As Present Mic made the announcement for the students for them to enter, the red eyed girl kept focused on her plan as she let out her crimson scaled wings to start flying into the "mini city", still thinking in the many routes she could take in order to get as much points as she could. Fortunately, thanks to her quirk, she managed to get away from the crowd quickly and start destroying bots with a lots of many different techniques her quirk allowed her to implement, techniques she had been forced to train. Quirk with plenty of possibilities either to help people or to hurt it. "Elemental Dragon", a quirk that allowed her to transform into a 30m tall dragon (when standing on its hind legs) and by doing so, she could control the four elements at will but when she completes the transformation and even during it, her consciousness and rationality progressively decrease until she becomes a beast since as a dragon she has a separate consciousness, a cruel and destructive consciousness (it's practically as if she turned off her humanity)

She used her quirk to catch the attention of the villains as well as to destroy them easily and, if she saw someone in trouble, help them with no doubt. Even when the monstrous 0 point robot made presence at the center of the "city", which caused some people to get paralyzed and not start running, people which Ash helped stand up and run, not leaving them behind while still destroying robots until the test was over.

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