First Day

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Omniscient Narrator

Ash woke up from her slumber as soon as the alarm rang, turning it off instantly. Her thoughts from the night before had kept her awake most of the time and she had only gotten three hours of broken sleep.

With a deep sigh and a rub to her eyes, she got up and made her way back to the bathroom to star her day, like always, just that today wasn't like other days, it was her first day of school. Honestly she had never gone to a school, not a real one, or at least she didn't remembered it if she had ever gone to one.


- Morning - She greeted at her brothers as they sat at the table and she came out of the kitchen with some scrambled eggs with bacon and orange juice as breakfast and an apron on her school uniform. - Morning - They all answered back at her at the same time as she left the full of food plates on each one's side of the table. As always, the most exited of them four was Jake who emanated a happy and energetic gloom which partly helped to improve the tired and anxious atmosphere that most of the time settled around the other three.

The red-wine eyed girl sat at the table with her brothers and started eating, all absort in their own thoughts and the anxiety of their first day ever of school caused on them. Fortunately, Jake broke the ice - And, any expectations about today's day? - He asked with a smile - Certainly, I do. I think our classmates will be great people with the same determination to follow their dream, just like us. The must be amazing and great people - He continued with his ember eyes shining of hope and excitement thanks to the simple thought of knowing other people and making new friends with whom he shares interests and dreams. People similar to him, not that he didn't loved his siblings but that thought of meeting new people made his heart accelerate.

- I really hope they are - The girl answered, not excited about that at all. - And I if they are not, they can suck it. We aren't going there to make friends, at least, I'm not - The blue haired boy commented as he ate. - Don't make so obvious your fear to rejection - Carl mocked with an almost unnoticeable smirk and finished eating. - Malparido hijue- - Language! - Carl interrupted him, bothering Mike more - Go fuck yourself - Mike finally said before leaving his empty plate at the dishwasher and go finish packing his backpack. The grey haired boy chuckled slightly and did the same. - What a wonderful way to start the day - Ash said sarcastically with a forced smile and did the same as Jake just waited for them downstairs, ready.


They all left their house, in silence. Mike listened to music, Carl was a deep into his thoughts and Ash just heard Jake talk about all his expectations, asking himself if it would be as in the movies or in the animes, exited for this new start for them, exited to start their path as aspiring heroes.

The four teens made their way towards the metro station. They got into the wagon, sat and got into their phones, scrolling through their social media in order to pass the time while they arrived to the nearest station to their hero academy, U.A.

After some minutes, they arrived. They got out of the station and walked towards the U.A. The sun was shining bright through the sky, yet, the temperature was cool thanks to the breeze. Quickly enough, they reached their academy and they classroom without much complications, not getting lost or anything. Of course the first thing they noticed was the giant door of their classroom, a bit surprised, the four teens admired it and proceeded to open it, finding a blue haired boy with glasses there already. He was the same guy from the conference room of the entrance exam!

The boy rushed towards them and introduced himself to his new classmates with a deep and rigid bow. - Good morning, my name is Iida Tenya, I come from the Private Academy Somei. - - Hey, I remember you from the entrance exam, you were at my battle field with the green haired boy that broke almost all his extremities. I'm Michael Smith, a pleasure. - Mike presented himself with a confident smile - They are kinda my siblings. She's Ashely Pierce - He pointed at her and she made a small bow as greeting. - He's Carl Jones - He nudged the grey haired boy who just nodded and passed through Iida to sit at his desk, which was at the back of the classroom. - And this one right here is Jake Taylor - Mike hugged by his shoulders to the youngest of them four, who smiled and said - A pleasure, Iida -. Iida couldn't help but to notice their names weren't from Japan - If you don't mind me asking, are you all foreign? - - Well, our names are. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure I was born here as well as them, yet we have nationalities from other countries - Ash answered simply as she made her way towards her desk at the back of the classroom as well, at the almost corner of the classroom. Mike and Jake followed behind her and did the same. - I see - Iida finally said and the rest of their classmates started arriving progressively.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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