Scars Of The Past

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Omniscient Narrator

The black-haired girl ran through the heavy darkness of the forest, the desperation palpable in her expression and in every single step she gave, not being able nor brave enough to look back thanks to the oppressive feeling that set on her heart. The dark and sorrowful scenery just managed to make her heart pound harder than she could ever admit, scapping from she growing shadows that followed behind her, of a destiny in which the most merciful request she could ever claim for would be her death, a quick and easy path that might help her scape from the horrifying things that wait for her in case of being captured by those cool, damp and yet, almost insubstantial and ghostly hands. Hands which had manipulated and altered already her whole life like if she was only a simple, small pawn in his chess game, a pawn which he moved depending on it's convenience and that could easy be sacrified for a greater good, yet, a pawn that with the right moves, may turn into the most powerful piece of the board, the queen.

Unluckily for her, oxygen quickly started slipping away from her lungs as well as she felt hell itself in her legs, however, the terror of the consequences kept her running as she wasn't even feeling the deep cuts that rapidly started appearing all over the extremities of her body due to the constant crash of the sharp and squeletical hands that came out of the trees, cold, hard and sharp sticks that didn't had the need of making much effort to break through her skin and let that precious crimson red liquid show through it. But, no matter how hard she tried to run away from that destiny, the dark and intangible entity behind her started gaining territory across the forest, starting to almost touch her heel, which, inevitably made her turn slightly to look back at the phantasmagoric creature chasing after her while still running, noticing how close this insufferable, overwhelming and engrossing darkness was, provoquing her not to notice the path that soon enough, drove her to a cliff.

As soon as Ash turned her gaze back to the path, the amount of naked trees thanks to the change of season started decreasing progressively as she noticed how she started approaching more and more with each step to a dead end, almost like the end of the world for her. She quickly turned to give her back to the cliff as she stepped back and faced the shadow as she tried to catch her breath and make her legs work to give this small steps back, approaching more and more to the border of the cliff as the shadow started materializing into a skinny tall man of whom figure she knew too well and started cornering her.

Her breath quickened as she tried to stay as far as she could from him, not noticing how close she was to the border. The imponent and dark figure upon her had her whole attention as she couldn't allow him to trap her into his claws once again. The atmosphere turned heavy and oppressive as she couldn't breath at all and she felt how air didn't filled at all her lungs and her any thought crossing her mind was any chance of getting out of that situation which was her priority at the moment, not the inminent fall that she would have at any moment thanks to the closeness of the edge of the cliff.

She kept stepping back when, indeed, she stepped on the edge and her shoe didn't took long to slip from it and make her fall.


The alarm sounded as an scape of the torturous situation she had found herself into. The red-wine eyed girl woke up with sweat pearls dripping out of her pores, her heart almost trying to get out of her chest and with her lungs trying to fill themselves with much oxygen as they can. Her eyes were nearly out of their sockets as she opened them widely as soon as the alarm rang across her brain.

- Crap... - She mumbled after realizing it had been just a dream... A nightmare...

Of course it didn't took long for her to start regulating her vital signs, breathing more slowly and calmly, blinking as she tried to process the dream at the same time as she tried to forget about it and clam herself. - It was just a dream... It wasn't real... calm down - She said to herself trying to give herself a fake sense of security and tranquility. She ran her hand through her raven hair, unable to prevent the thought of Him, already knowing their location and the fact that He could come at any moment to catch them, from crossing her tormented mind.

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