Chapter One - The Bet

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Hi, I'm Hailey Torrez,another reckless teenager in my school, Hillington High. Everyone has a different set of life experiences from which they learn or develop their personality. My 'character arc' began in September of 2023, during my junior year. This is my story...

September 4th, 2023, hot ass day. I was quite exhausted and counting every minute, I could not survive anymore. The back to back classes since 8 am drained me of all my energy, and all I was looking forward to was dispersal. Suddenly, as if the situation wasn't worse enough, the lights went out, and the coolers stopped working. What a horrible nightmare! It was a pretty hot and humid day, and sitting inside the class without coolers felt like somebody had dumped me inside the burning core of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Nevertheless, I stepped outside of my class to get some fresh air while Avril was only interested in conversing with that douche James Tougard, on whom she had a platonic crush (she liked him because he was a smart ass). Avril was the only person I talked to in that class, apart from Emma Willson, who later became James's girlfriend. Besides Avril, I had Isabella Ricci, or Izzy, as we used to call her. The three of us met in freshman year and had been an inseparable trio ever since! But later in junior year, Isabella got separated from me and Avril, so Avril was all I had in that boring ass class. I went outside and rested my shoulders on the door, giving myself the pleasure of escaping that hot vessel of lava. A light breeze began to blow. It was soft and gave me a sense of comfort. Just then, I saw a guy, not too far away, approaching towards our class. And OMG, how majestic he looked! His curly hair was being brushed by the soft wind, his white rimmed glasses reflecting the bright sunlight which peeped through the windows in the hallway, and his lips curled into a cute smile while he was chatting with his friends. He almost looked like my ex and 5th grade crush Denver Paul. How much I was enjoying the view! I called Avril and said to her, "Look at that guy in red uniform.. DONT STARE JUST LOOK!.. is-isn't he cuteeee!" Avril almost immediately replied,"Eh, kinda" but just then he suddenly disappeared in thin air with the bunch of friends he was with, and I didn't even get the opportunity to ask his name. For the rest of the school hours, the mystery boy's thoughts lingered in my head, "What is his name? Which year is he from? Will I ever get to see him?!" and so on. During our history classes, Miss Williams announced to the class that we would be seeing our history grades before getting dispersed. Avril now kept whining and ranting that she'll not get above 20 marks (the full marks was 30). I seriously got so annoyed by her ranting that all I wanted to do was punch her in the face. Seriously, she kept whining about not getting an A, and all I could think about was whether I would pass or not. She wasn't stopping her ranting, and when I was trying to reassure her, she said to me,"Oh, I could bet on it! I'm not getting above 20". "A bet, YES!" I thought to myself. I quickly took out my pen and a piece of paper and wrote..."If Avril gets above 20 marks in her history test then she has to find me that cute dude we saw in the hallway earlier, and if I pass, I'll 'consider' removing the bet." Impractical as it sounds, me and Avril agreed to the terms of the bet.

Avril ended up getting 20.5, and I passed my history test. Little did we know what this silly bet would lead to.....

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