Chapter 5 - Avril's POV : Her beginning

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"I couldn't believe that jerk didn't text me. How could he be so rude and arrogant, and so... pretty. AHEM. No, Avril, you don't like this guy." All these thoughts were lingering in my head while solving my homework on trigonometry. After my crush on Christian Dante, I never had a crush on anyone, or rather, I vowed to myself to never like an XY chromosome. I initially didn't even like Daniel cause I was mad that he didn't text me after I told that dickhead to do so. "I'm Avril Carlsen, I'm the one to ignore people, and not the other way round! Who the heck does he think he is, huh?" I tried to forget about that insolent jerk thinking 'he didn't deserve my attention anyways' . But fate has its own way of bringing people together.

The day after we found out about Gerard's identity, Hailey and I were casually strolling down the hallway, talking about all the things that had happened. That day, Isabella was absent. Otherwise, the three of us would've sat in the canteen and gossiped about expired topics for the 100th time. While we were walking, my eyes suddenly met another pair of eyes. I instantly recognized them. "Oh no, imma confront this jerk now." I walked up straight towards him, Daniel, whose name I knew by then, and he was accompanied by Gerard, who was surprised to see me again. I said to him,"I told you to text me, but you didn't." That was all I could get out of my mouth in front of him. He replied something, but I was so busy looking at his eyes, and I remember sharing a brief moment with each other as if the crowd around us disappeared, and I was just there completely at loss of words and all I could think about in the moment was to admire his eyes, oh and his hair too. But the moment was interrupted, as I heard Gerard laughing beside. I had forgotten that he was there examining my interaction with his best friend, and it seemed to me that he had noticed that we were lowkey admiring each other. I apologized without any reason and then walked away from there, my face tomato red by the blush which had formed, and I came to the realization that I had embarrassed myself.

I was still unsure of my feelings."Eh,it's just a temporary attraction and will wear off soon." I thought. I couldn't let anything else distract me as I had to perform my best in the next few tests. I was rather unhappy with my performance during that time.Midterms were just around the corner, and I wanted to get straight A's in all subjects."I couldn't afford a distraction at present," I thought to myself. But oh boy, how wrong I was. I went home and followed him (just as friends), and he followed me back. I shut down my phone and got started with my assignments, and after a couple of hours, I decided to take a break. I opened my instagram and saw a notification. Daniel had texted me. My heart suddenly dropped and a smile formed on my face. I opened his text. "Are u that girl who roams around Hillington?" I laughed as I read. By then, all of my anger towards him was flushed down the drain, and I immediately replied. We began to talk, and slowly, I started to realize that I had developed a 'little crush'. Well, and from there, things went uphill and downhill at the same time.

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