Chapter Six - The Calls

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After a long day of exhausting school day I forgot that I had asked Gerard if he was free to call and it stricked me once I opened my instagram and saw Avril sent me a text sent by Daniel the text said "Gerard and Hailey exchanged number so soon damn they are taking things fast!!!" I expressed a slight smirk on my face brushing off the thought and replied with one skull emoji then quickly asked Gerard if it was a good time for us to talk and guess what within three minutes I got a text back saying "Heyyy sup sure give me five minutes I'll call you" and after exactly five minutes he did , he called me. It was only the third day of knowing him and also the day where I finally felt happy in a long time , because even though I seemed like a teenager with no problems and with my most followers being famous and even me being quite known for my past controversies I actually was pretty sad with me getting bullied in school by both students and teachers I was the perfect example of the person whom you can say 'never believe whatever you see in social media' and on that day i finally felt like someone again in a long while. We shared a lot of things about us that day be it him calling me Goth to tease me or me trying to convince him that ok I'm not a Taylor swift fan. We were talking so much we forgot 3 hours went by so quickly and honestly since my parents didn't give a fuck about my life I never realized the fucking importance of time and all I knew was I was a naive teen who will get everything she wants as long as she stays in her room and does some shit rather than asking her parents when they were gonna get free from their work sometimes so I continued to talk more with him knowing damn well my mid terms were very near and I'm gonna fuck up but guess what I did? You may think I hung up and went to study but lol I stayed in the call 4 more fucking hours cause you know why because he was the first guy in my life who actually did listen what I had to say his questions were the question I longed to be asked for this long time and you may think 'Hailey it's just third day of knowing this guy stop over exaggerating things' well it maybe the third day of me knowing this guy whom I thought was a ghost few days ago but sometimes a person you know for few minutes also can be your favorite person it doesn't specifically has to be someone whom you can put a tag on like Boyfriend or Girlfriend or Best friend it just can be someone who was a stranger to you yesterday and now is a person you have no clue about but a person whom you can trust there can be no garuntee weather how long they are in your life all you know is that you can be in relief of not getting judged whenever you are with that person. Gerard was exactly that person for me, someone whom I can trust with all my heart and soul and know that this guy won't betray me at all cost , I knew even if he wasn't my anything he was my something whom I can rant shit to and that shitty thing will only be with him . Our one day calls turned into regular calls and it felt good I even said him about our stupid bet and also made fun of Avril and Daniel cus both me and Gerard knew that Daniel had a liking for Avril the moment he saw her. He also watched movies with me in discord and sat for hours watching crime documentarys with me it felt good. Once mid terms started I and Avril used to see them while exiting our school and it used to be a hell of a hide and seek game which used to become another topic to in our calls I don't know how the whole day used to pass by with me talking to him but there was one thing which was wierd about him , whenever it came to the topic about love he replied very wierdly and his most favorite word to say was 'I DON'T DO ROMANCE' and I think he made that very clear to me we were cool as long as the emotion love doesn't enter in our life but I had different things in my mind.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 31 ⏰

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